Predominantly, you are pro-war, have nothing but rebuke and arrogance towards the underprivileged and seem most concerned about TV programming, abstinence and abortion. Don't you think Jesus would like to see more than that? Wouldn't he want you to open your hearts and minds rather than engage in culture wars?
By the way, please note that I start this paragraph with the word, "Predominantly." I know there are Christians who are engaged in helping the needy, trying to address institutional cruelty and injustice and put their physical freedom on the line to confront the dogs of war.
In fact, here's some links to some of them: come hardly any Christians in the US care about social justice, peace and brotherhood?
All the christians were offended by this question because they know it is true. Bunch of hypocrites.
Note the bonehead who answered above me: "Name one social injustice."
I could sit here for a month and name acts of social injustice in America. This is the problem. They are blind to it.
What are you using to base your opinion of "predominantly" and "hardly any"??? This is opinion, not fact.
This is just a ridiculously bias question with no basis for fact.
Saying "hardly any" Christians care about social justice, peace and brother hood is plain insulting, rude and stupid. Please refrain from generalizing when you have no facts to base your opinion on.How come hardly any Christians in the US care about social justice, peace and brotherhood?
That doesn't deserve an answer- you are assuming too much here. Did you do a study? Did you take a poll? You are just blabbering a lot of nonsense and wasting my lunch hour.
The only thing this 3 minutes was worth - was the 2 points- Thanks!
he would care about others.and open His heart to others, but He would punish those who hurt His children first. He is all about love and helping people, but He doesn't let wicked people go unpunished. they hurt our country and still have plots to continue to hurt us. He protects His first. and then He helps others. and as for only being focused on abortion and abstinence and tv programming... we focus on that because if it keeps progressing... we'll be just as bad as the other countries....How come hardly any Christians in the US care about social justice, peace and brotherhood?
There are thousands of Christian charities around the country.
Hundreds of grassroot org for peace
I would have to say your "Question" is more of an emotional outburst than a logical question鈥?/a>
This is because "wide is the gate that leads to destruction." It's not my place to judge any individual, but I would guess that many of those who call themselves Christians in the US (I, myself, am one) are not really Christians in their spirits.
Also, the US has a long history of laissez-faire government and many Christians don't believe social justice should be the primary sphere of the federal government; rather they believe it should be left up to private organizations (including the Church). Many churches are indeed involved in social justice issues; it just doesn't tend to get the air time.
Culture wars... buddy, I have got news for you, it takes 2+ sides to have a war.
So what are you talking about? We don't care about social justice? Name one social injustice.
Peace? Cite an example where we should be more peaceful.
Brotherhood? Cite an example where we are against brotherhood.
Predominately, people like you talk in generalities and try to reel in as many fish as you can with your stinky bait, which consists mainly of propaganda and has little truth.
(Additional details)
Your rant against Christians for their supposed lack of care for social justice, peace and brotherhood has to do with:
1) The state and conditions surrounding Israel and the general support Israel receives from the Christian community in the U.S.
2) The war in Iraq.
The state and conditions surrounding Israel make quite a mess of politics. I could suggest that you're in favor of kidnap and genocide since you appear to oppose Israel, which means you side with those who have kidnapped and murdered Israelis, with the intent for eradication. Would it be fair for me to call you an anti-Semite? I don't resort to that kind of nonsense very often, because I'm aware that there are genuinely good people, although naive, who automatically back the underdog. A little dog still bites. Sometimes, you just have to let the bigger dog put the little one in line. Do you have a better solution besides the pansy, dope-smoking, hippy ideal of getting rid of guns and making love, not war?
And the war in Iraq was supported by 93% of the U.S. going into the war, for reasons that have little to do with Christianity, and having everything to do with Saddam breaking of international law and threatening the use of WMD's. Those reasons were the ones expressed prior to the war and going in. Are you suggesting that it was some kind of Christian conspiracy? Or are you suggesting that Christians are the majority of ones who are responsible enough to follow through with the mess we started?
And speaking of the weapons, some have been found, although they were mocked by many and dismissed as they were degraded weapons that were no longer capable of truly mass destruction. Now, since you insist that Bush lied about WMD's and give no benefit of doubt to the man (for you who skip the INTENT part of what classifies dishonesty and lying), I can certainly judge you by your own measure and say that you are lying. Even though weapons found so far were in a state of degradation and were in fact unable to cause mass destruction, it could not be measured without having possession of these weapons. For all the intelligence in the world, they were still weapons of mass destruction. Bush was truthful, but you have lied.
I opposed the war to begin with. But I'm not going to put up with your propaganda and dishonesty.
Did you have something else?
And to the bonehead below (who confuses a simple objection with being offended), name one social injustice. Go on. I'm not asking for a month of naming them, just cite one example. And not just any one, but particularly one that (as the inquirer stated) hardly any Christians in the U.S. care about?
I'm sorry that you have not experienced a few factors about churches today and more importantly about the people in those same churches. And yes, Jesus wants us to live our lives in a way that promotes love.
One thing to consider. For people who are truly followers of these virtues, they do this in the background where you won't see them doing these things. Perhaps that's why you are not aware that in reality, most Christians do believe in helping others.
Here are some more projects to consider.
Habitat for Humanity, which many churches volunteer for.
Many youth groups in Michigan have sent their youth down to Louisiana in the last year to help with the clean up.
Operation Christ Child which have kids fill shoeboxes with gifts for an underprivileged child at Christmas time. Each year they distribute several million boxes. All filled by families.
The Heifer Project, which raises money for a child in a different country to purchase a farm animal.
Operation Blessing which treats the homeless as guests and offers haircuts, food and clothing to a person who has no alternative.
How about Democrats for Life, which is committed to not only social justice but targeting the root causes of abortion. It does not strive to overturn Roe v. Wade, but instead create support systems so pregnant women have alternatives to aborting their children.
Most churches also offer a deacon or benevolence fund. In fact every church I have been in offers these funds. But they want to make sure it is not abused.
Many other churches offer food pantries or assist at the local homeless shelters or other outreach programs.
In fact, if you check the websites of many churches, you will find that they have outreach ministries and not just things to make more money for the ministers.
Personally, I think God will have something to say to the ministers who line their pockets. Because they are responsible for how you see Christians instead of the way that the vast majority are.
Yes, some people do support war who are Christians, but many of us also pray for peace and for social justice. As I mentioned before, we don't "do it to be seen of men" but because we believe in it.
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