Monday, January 30, 2012

Christians, How do you feel about this?

Lifeway Christian Bookstores pulls the September-October issue of Gospel Today because it features Female pastors on its cover.

How do you feel about their actions?

If you can, please clarify where the Bible says that females should not pastor a church or vice versa.鈥?/a>Christians, How do you feel about this?
Bullshit, females can wear every kind of robe's you want. Pastor or President.

Who say something different about it .. this tongue used for bless the Ignorance
From what I've learned it's not wrong. However there is a verse that indicates that there shouldnt be female Bishops.1 Timothy 3:2

I've read the verses that say that the woman shouldnt talk in the Church but that was because they were having a problem with the women talking across the Church to their husbands because the man were sitting on the other end of the Church.They were acting unruly.Christians, How do you feel about this?
because christianity is sexist
You uncovered one of Satan's many small victories against the Church. Divide from within over gender issues.

One sect of Christianity interprets the NT as indicating men are to the be head of the church, i.e., pastors, and women are not.

Another sect says it is okay for women to hold a pastoral role.

Hence the division.

It should be noted, the vast majority of the Christian church at large believes women should not have a pastoral role. Doesn't make the majority right, just an interesting fact.

Peace.Christians, How do you feel about this?
In Ist or 2nd Corinthians, it talks about how women should be silent in the church. If they have questions, they are to ask their husbands- they are not to speak in church. This would mean that they should pastor, deacon, etc. Here's a webpage also:鈥?/a>
I'm not saying it is wrong to have female pastors but the Bible does refer only to men in that position. Certainly there were women in the first century who would have been capable of pastoring a flock but are never given that opportunity, as far as we've been informed through scriptures. This would be in keeping with the Bible's concept that the man is the head (spiritual leader) of the household as Christ is head of the church. Needless-to-say, though, if the man is not fulfilling his role as head, the woman is responsible to take on that role. Even so, personally I would feel uncomfortable with a woman pastor. Of course, my perception of pastor isn't the local preacher but one of multiple men who shepherd the flock...but that's another question.
Aside from the bible, history informs us that women have always been 2nd class to men, which is why the bible is a sexist piece of literature. The fact is a woman can be just as much a leader on the pulpit than doing the usual auxiliary work in and around the church. Ancient African history shows that Christianity was forced upon them in the same manner as far as women. Read about the Candaces of Ethioipia and how they were the warriors that fought against that religious sexisim of Christianity. And Dr. Michael Eric Dyson's book "Why I Love Black Women" which talks about that same situation. But to remove them from their position only reveals the religious slave mentality and insecurities of men.

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