Monday, January 30, 2012

I don't think I'm joining the LDS church but I wanna be sure?

I was so sure that I was gonna join the LDS church but now that I've read stuff online and gotten some books from the Christian bookstore-I don't think I want to. Am i making the right choice?|||If you have decided to NOT join the LDS you have made the right decision.|||You should have found your answer with God. Not on a website. (arm of the flesh)

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|||Really the best way to study Mormonism is to read books by the LDS church AND neutral secular writers. Reason for that is,

1. LDS books obviously because they are showing the current LDS beliefs. So that is what you would believe if you chose to follow it.

2. Neutral Secular writers tend to not be bias, so they show the good and the ugly.

3. Christian writers are deeply bias, use out of date information, take rumors as facts and consider non scripture to be scripture.

Some examples of christian writers using out of date information and rumors,

1. 'Book of Mormon is plagiarized' Secular writers say it isn't

2. 'Endowment ceremony, you get molested by the opposite sex' private parts are not seen and not touched, and someone of the same sex is performing the endowment ceremony

3. 'JS practiced polygamy' secular writers are not sure if he did or not since there is no proof he actually did since his own wife said he didn't and the women accused of being his wife all said they never were, many were not even born during JS lifetime.

Really of all the churches out there, LDS is the one with the least of scandals. No one says a word about the Catholic church endorsing slavery, or Baptists believing Blacks came from Ham or Anglicans believing Monarchs are there because god sees it as a divine institution.|||The arguments people make against the church can be convincing. When I was joining the church I read a few of the anti-mormon sites and books as well. They can scare you for sure.

What it came down to for me was this- I had prayed to know if this church is where God wanted me. He answered that it was. Once I knew that, I knew I needed to be baptized.

Also, then (since I was in college at the time) I started researching the claims those sites and books make and none of them are true representations of our beliefs or of joseph smith. In fact many are just outright lies.

If you have specific questions, feel free to email me (just click on my profile and it has a link to email) and I will give you the answers I found.

Above all, it is God that leads this church through revelation to his people. Ask Him and have faith to follow His answer.|||Satan opposes the kingdom of God. His best deceit is the unproven accusation. He has found that if he hurls enough unproven accusations against the church that some people will lose their faith. It is like a court case on TV where you only hear one side and are absolutely sure of a person's guilt until you hear the other side and start to wonder. This same trick was used against Joseph Smith, and he found himself in court more than 200 times. It takes more than an accusation to convict someone in court, and Joseph Smith was never convicted of any crime. It isn't because he had good lawyers, or because the judges were all sympathetic to Mormons; just the opposite. Mormons were hated much like they are today. It is because false accusations don't hold up when their evidence is examined.

I have read most of the accusations that the anti-Mormon crowd has hurled against the church, and in every single case I found that their evidence was faulty. If some accusation is proven false, do they remove it from their websites? They do not. They do not care whether some accusation is actually true or not. They only care about leading people away from Mormonism. They do the Devil's work, although they do not realize it. They are pawns in a war that has been going on for a very long time.

The accusation creates fear, whether it has merit or not. If there are multiple accusations, a person must wonder whether one or more might be true. Thus Satan steals the souls of men. God, for his part, will testify of truth through the Holy Ghost. He has given Satan free reign to promote his agenda through lies and deceit; each person must choose whether they will follow their spiritual feelings, the testimony of the Holy Ghost, or whether they will listen to devils, and be tricked or shamed into rejecting the Lord's true church.|||The main thing that you need to remember is that fear is not of God. Love and peace and clarity of mind are.

1 Timothy 1:7

7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Satan will always seek to confuse the hearts and minds of people who seek truth because he doesn't want people to have the goodness and peace and blessings that come from knowing and believing truth.

Moroni 7:12-13

12 Wherefore, all things which are good cometh of God; and that which is evil cometh of the devil; for the devil is an enemy unto God, and fighteth against him continually, and inviteth and enticeth to sin, and to do that which is evil continually.

13 But behold, that which is of God inviteth and enticeth to do good continually; wherefore, every thing which inviteth and enticeth to do good, and to love God, and to serve him, is inspired of God.

Remember how Joseph Smith felt about the different religions he had to choose from. Remember how he prayed to know what religion he should join. Know this truth, that you have the same ability to pray to God as he did. Read the passages in the Epistle of James again if you need to.

It boils down to the answer that you get when you search and pray and experiment upon the word (Alma 32 Book of Mormon).

God would not want you to feel fear, to feel bad feelings, etc.|||I see a pattern in the answers.

Most that are against the church are referring you to anti-mormon sites or books. In my personal experience with anti-mormon literature, they are either a truth misunderstood, a truth taken out of context, a half-truth, or a lie.

Most of the LDS responses are go to God. We have so much faith that God will give you the correct answer and we don't want to be the source of your conversion. Go to God.

James 1:5-6

5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

6 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.

This is what it will really come down to. Listen to the promptings of the Spirit and obey them. The results may be eternal so I would take some time and spiritually work this out.|||No, you are not making the right choice. Of course, that is my opinion, and you need to decide for yourself. Follow the advice you have already received from others- Pray, Study, read scripture and ask Heavenly Father. You will know what is best for you.

Some other thoughts for you: Don't believe everything you see on the Internet. (When I was growing up they said don't believe everything you see on TV) Just because some guy with an agenda builds a website doesn't mean that it is true. A lot of these websites are misleading or full of half-truths. There was a question on Yahoo Answers yesterday where some anti-Mormon guy posted a link to a website that just claimed to prove Mormons were a cult. Everywhere in captial letters stating Mormons are a cult. I read through the whole stupid website and finally at the bottom of the second and last page, he admits his criteria for a cult is that they worship something and technically all Christians are in a cult using his criteria and he is now an atheist. Very misleading to say the least.

I admit you raise valid concerns and I feel most converts go through the same thing at least to some extent. Again, pray seeking the truth. Read the literature that is against Mormons with a mind asking why other Christians would write this stuff. Ask if they might have a hidden agenda. Why are they spending so much time bringing down another Christian faith? Everybody has a right to their opinion and it is healthy to ask fair questions in all walks of life, but keep in mind what is going on in this situation. These are Christians doing everything in their power to bring down another Christian faith. That raises red flags in my mind.

Finally, it is a fact of life that when somebody goes outside of their comfort zone this type of resistance is bound to happen. Have you ever started a new business? Tried to stop smoking? Anytime we make a decision like this, there are going to be people that offer resistance and try to get you off your path. People are people and just cannot help it. Be strong and stay the course. You need to trust yourself, that is the bottom line.

Best of luck to you.|||I just want to point out that EVERY LDS answerer here has told you 'it is your choice' - no pressure (like we are accused of), they have offered sites and to answer any questions - no hiding info (as we are often accused). the negative answers have only indicated their own opinions, which (like Michael B's claims), if you do the research and study the issues, prove every time to be misrepresented and untrue.

so, to follow have to decide for yourself whether the LDS church is a good fit for you or not. I suggest studying and praying -- if the Lord lets you know that this is the choice for you, then make it and start a study regime on whatever issues you might have. For me, I never forget what the Lord tells me, and keep that in the front - all the time. Everything else will work itself out if you follow Him.

good luck. like any of the other LDS on here, I would be happy to address any questions or concerns you have to the best I can......just email me.|||Well, the internet isn't the best place to find info about the church.

But as the missionaries ask you to do; study and pray.

Stuff on the internet and in books can be three things

1. things that are beliefs but you need a foundation to understand why they are beliefs

(Hebrews 5:12-14; milk before meat)

2. things that just aren't true

3. things that churches that have broken off of the mormon church believe.

But in the end it is between you and God. The church is just there to help you learn more about God. Much like Philip helped the Eunuch understand Isaiah in Acts 8:26-35|||You are the only one who can decide what is right for you.

However, so many of those argument those websites and Christian books make against Mormons can pretty much be applied to Christianity in general.

The ONLY way to determine what is spiritually correct is to pray, read the scriptures, fast and ask God.

This is really the only way you will ever get personal revelation from God to determine what it is you should doing.

Scripture bashing and theological debates btwn sects and scriptures really wont prove anything.


Dont you ever get tired of carrying around that chip on your shoulder?



and who exactly is getting rich off this church since the overwhelming majority of church positions are unpaid?

When a Bishop does a full time church calling while still working as a full time doctor where exactly is his greedy motivation since he isnt getting paid to do that church calling?


Notice how Mormons are never afraid to tell the person asking this kind of question to go find out for themselves and take their concerns to God instead of proclaiming how they must join the church right now.

We arent afraid of what the answer is going to be because we know that the only way to gain a real testimony of anything spiritually true for yourself is by doing the basics it takes to gain personal revelation from God.

Nobody on this forum can answer this question for you.

Nobody on this forum can give you that knowledge it takes to gain a testimony.

Dont join the church until you feel inspired by God to join. Even the missionaries should be telling you that. The LDS church is a commitment. It isnt just an hour of church on Sunday. If you arent in a place or have that personal revelation yet to make those covenants with God, or you dont really believe in those covenants you will be making when getting baptized in the church, then dont do it yet.

But the only people that can figure this out for you are you and God.


dumb jerk

Have fun with that one

I find Michaels constant whining a bit insincere and self righteous since I never see the outrage from him when people on his side act the way he is complaining about twds others. Obviously it isnt that kind of behavior that bugs him, but the behavior when it personally affects him.

He has no problem calling out the Mormon church for their stance and actions but then will defend the bigots on his side up and down because they are "justified" in their behavior and attitudes.

I get it though. Its ok to be a bigot and make threats and push political and social agendas when you agree with it or when you can find a way to justify it, but when the other side does it then they are bad bad people.|||Follow your heart.

Those things you read online, those books you read, they all have little meaning to you and are scaring you away from something beautiful.

I'd be happy to speak to you more about this in private or public, but I think you're missing a great opportunity.

The fruits of the spirit are love, joy, peace, ect. How did you feel reading the Book of Mormon? How did you feel at church? How did you feel praying about it?

Can you ascribe the same good feelings to the websites and Christian books? I doubt it, they probably used fear, hatred, and cause you turmoil - the same turmoil that you feel now, right?

If so, then you know that one source is of God and the other isn't!

Follow your heart, follow your prayers, and don't let someone talk you out of what you want to do and know is right!|||Make an informed decision. Verify the accuracy and source of the things you've read, and verify the accuracy of what the LDS church is telling you. My opinion is that some of the "anti mormon" claims are ridiculous and false, but most of them are fairly accurate. It just boils down to what you want to believe.|||Well if you are basing your decision on what peopleo HERE or elsewhere on the internet say, on the opinions of ex-embittered excommunicated LDS members, antimormon literature from your local "Christian" book store and NOT on the inspiration you have received through personal study and prayer from the Lord - then I'd say you are making a decision for the WRONG REASONS actually.

If you can't decipher the truth from all the clutter and anti-CRAP that you are being inundated with, then you need to step back and get some perspective and balance in my opinion. Those who HATE the LDS church have their own agenda. Go to the source of all truth and that would be the Lord and the Holy SPirit. All else is doubt %26amp; uncertainty.|||Well... why did you want to join in the first place? Have you prayed about it and felt it was right? IF you did, then how can you ignore answers from your Heavenly Father? IF you haven't, you first need to ask GOD what is right. Not a Christian bookstore or the internet. God knows a lot more than they do!

Think about the reason you wanted to join. Make a deicision, either way, and ask your Heavenly Father in prayer if that's the right one. I promise if you are sincere, you will get your answer.

I know the church is true. That knowledge comes from study and prayer and many answers through the Holy Ghost. I suggest you do the same.|||When you read "stuff online" and other anti-mormon books you need to consider the source from whence they come. If they come from people who are opposed to the LDS Church, the information is very often inaccurate or even outright lies. If you want to know the truth about what the LDS Church believes, ask a practicing LDS member such as the bishop of the ward in the area you live in. I'm sure he will be able to answer all of the questions you have. If you have specific questions or concerns, why not post them here for LDS members to answer?

FWIW, I think you are making the wrong decision. But as others have said, you need to make that choice on your own after much prayer.|||It is really between you and the Lord. If you feel you can stand before God at judgment day and explain to him why you chose not to join even if you first had those feelings that it was true, it will be your decision. There's a lot of information out there that just isn't true, especially on the Internet and at Christian bookstores. Of course anti-Mormon literature is going to convince you that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is false--that is it's purpose. It sounds so convincing though because it is half-truths mixed with complete falsehoods.

You need to do what the missionaries asked you to do and also what the Book of Mormon admonishes in Moroni, to "ask God...with real intent, having faith in Christ" and find your answer that way, not by visiting anti-Mormon websites and reading anti-Mormon literature. And then you need to listen to what your heart tells you is true.|||Jess,

There is nothing more important than discovering God's truth and plan for you. Let me share a bit of wisdom that can point you in the right direction. As you can see, one of the biggest debates of all modern history centers around Joseph Smith and the LDS faith. There are those who defend the faith, even to their death in the early years of the Church and there are those who bitterly oppose it to the point of letting it consume them. And to be fair, if we only use our imperfect and mortal reasoning, both sides of the debate can make convincing arguments for or against the LDS religion.

Be assured that I have read most of, if not all of, the negative information about the LDS faith and for every claim of "proof" that the Church is corrupt or false, there is a plausible explanation that supports the faith. However, any explanation no matter how convincing it is does not settle anything. The bottom line is unless we could have been present when all the history happened that caused the controversy we are left to form our own opinions over the written accounts that are for and against the LDS faith. Opinions can be dangerous because they are not necessarily based on fact or truth.

So, to be 100% sure you are making the right decision it has to be based on fact and truth and not your own opinions or the opinions of others. There is only one way to "know" if it is true rather than to debate whether it is true or false. The answer is simple and you have probably already read about it in the Bible but when we get caught up in the debate it is easy to lose sight of this only method of knowing. Please take the time to read and ponder the following passages even if you have read them before because the answer is in them:

James 1:5 - "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him." (While we receive information from other people, i.e. the missionaries, anti-mormons, etc... we must go directly to God through prayer in the name of Christ to get the answers otherwise we are forming our beliefs around what others believe which could be true or false.)

John 14:26 - "But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you." (The way Heavenly Father answers our questions to Him is through the Holy Ghost. When we receive a witness from the Holy Ghost that something is true we can rely on it as though we were at the scene of the event.)

Galatians 5:22-23 - "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. (The Holy Ghost communicates to our hearts and minds in many ways. Our challenge is hearing the answers through all the "noise" in the world. When I say noise I'm referring to the huge debate that will continue until the end of world.

1 Kings 19:11-12 - And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the Lord. And, behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the Lord; but the Lord was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the Lord was not in the earthquake: And after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.

John 24:32 "And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?" (These thoughts and feelings come in many shapes and sizes but when you feel the Holy Ghost in answer to your prayers it is undeniable.)

Can any Christian regardless of what they think about the LDS faith dispute these scriptures or say they aren't true? Then why don't we drop the debate and turn to God for the answers? I believe many Christians feel threatened and take security in siding with the Anti-Mormon camp rather than letting their guard down long enough to study the fruit of the LDS faith (The Book of Mormon) and then sincerely ask God if it is true. Unfortunately this rarely happens.

Please don't make a decision hastily. Labor in prayer with sincerity of Heart to God until you receive a witness from the Holy Ghost one way or the other about the LDS faith. Once you have done this and received the answer the debate becomes shallow and meaningless.

Out of curiosity, I would be interested in learning about the information you found that has caused your concerns. Please send me an anonymous email through Yahoo Answers by clicking on my profile. I'd am interested in discussing these concerns with you. Good luck and may God bless you with guidance!

Edit - I just read all the previous posts and there is an interesting pattern- The Anti-Mormons want to convince you they are right and every LDS suggested that you don't believe us but take the case to God. If the Anti-Mormons were secure in the info they are spreading wouldn't they want you to ask God too? Something to think about.|||Sweetheart,

You stated earlier in other questions that you read, you prayed and were so certain the church was true and that you wanted to join.

The material you've read can be refuted and you should check out.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

I hope I haven't given you too much for your brain to go over.

But in the end, only a Spirit of wittiness from the Holy Ghost can give you the answers you seek. As the Bible states: (Luke 24:32)

32 And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?

The witness of truth comes from God. Nothing more nothing less. My father has always told me one thing when I've been worried or upset and it's served me well and I think you should consider it. Put more trust in Christ rather than the arguments and dictates of Man. Everything else falls into place after wards.

God bless|||Jess,

Unless your information comes from a legit mormon website, or mormon based book, DO NOT believe any of it. Those lies online change the hearts of people away from Christ.

I hope you do rethink joining the church, if you have doubts read the Book of Mormon, or talk to your local LDS missionaries.

Good Luck Jess!|||I think it's funny that they sell Anti-Mormon literature in a Christian Book store. In the "Mormon" section, everything is "Anti-Mormon". Shouldn't the things in the "Jesus" section be "anti-Jesus" if they're trying to be consistent?

There are quite a few people who are loud and vocal that do not like the LDS church. It is common for them to make things up and claim that Mormons believe those things. Here are a few things that we don't believe, but I've heard people say that we do over and over:

-We believe in a different Jesus

-We're not Christians

-We worship Joseph Smith

-Adam was God

-God and Mary had sex

-Joseph Smith was a rapist

-We are a cult

-We do sexual things in the temple

-We believe that we can save ourselves through works

-We don't believe in Grace

-We are polytheistic

-The Book of Mormon has 4000+ textual changes

I could go on. I have had people ask to see my horns because their minister said we had horns.

This is the internet. Just because someone put it there, it doesn't make it true. Go back and ask yourself why you were going to join the LDS church. What has changed since then? Christ wasn't popular when he was on the earth. Neither were the Jews before that. Christ's church has never been popular. Take it up with the Lord, not forums.

God bless.|||No, I don't think you're making the right choice, but it's your choice.

Let me point something out. You find online stuff that is against Mormons. You find books that teach against Mormons in Christian bookstores. Now, go to an LDS bookstore and tell me how many books there are bashing other religions. When I was a LDS missionary, I never attacked other people's religions. We don't feel the need to attack other people's faith...we just teach our own and let it speak for itself. Ask yourself why that is. Look at the answers to this very question. Which group is telling you to ask God? Why is it only the LDS that think you should pray about this? Interesting, is it not?

My religion has brought peace and joy and hope to my life despite the stuff they're saying about my religion online and in the Christian bookstores, and I know it can do the same for you if you give it a chance. But good luck to you either way. Whatever you choose, I hope it works out for you.|||The books you have seem to be full of hate.

I've never seen the verse in the Bible that said Jesus told us hate others for their beliefs - and that leads me to wonder who those authors really follow.

They claim that Joseph Smith was a fraud, but what exactly are THEIR credentials???

Only the spirit can give a true and lasting testimony, and if you are trying to know in your head instead of your heart, you will never find peace.|||Here's my advice:

If God tells you you're right, don't anyone tell you you're wrong.

History can be warped so much, and so easily, it's scary. A few months after I joined, I started going online and reading a bunch of anti-Mormon articles, and let me tell you, I felt horrible. I felt betrayed, misguided, and brainwashed. I felt like I couldn't trust anyone, because anyone could have been just as deluded as I felt like I was. There was only one thing I felt like I could do: I prayed. I prayed, and begged to know what the truth was. And I got an answer.

That was about a year ago. To make a long story short, I'm going on a mission in a couple of months, and I'm going to let the world know exactly what I KNOW to be the truth: that my Redeemer lives, and that through his prophets on the earth today, he's guiding us back home to him.|||Trust in God, fear not what man can do.

Your goal is to come unto Jesus Christ. YOU MUST ASK HIM! Seek HIM out, examine the words of all the churches and books etc... and see which proclaim the Christ and beckon you to FOLLOW HIM.

Only GOD can tell you if you are making the right choice.

I testify that God has witnessed to me that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is all that it claims to be. Many rant and rail against it, but men do not throw rocks at fruitless trees. There are many arguments that they make that appear on the surface to be proofs against, but with deeper study and examination of the facts their arguments have always turned out to be smoke and mirrors for me.

I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I know God lives, and the Jesus is the Christ. I know He died for me and rose again. I know it. I know that God has once again sent prophets among men to call them unto the Lord and His salvation. I know that God speaks to all men individually, and is a personal loving Father. I know that God also speaks through scripture, handed down from many prophets on all the continents of the Earth, and that these scriptures are and will come together to stand as a witness to the divine reality of Jesus Christ, and His ability to guide us safely home.

In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.|||You should seriously pray about this decision. Satan wants you to turn from the truth. He loves to gain a small victory over people when they try to come to the truth. There is a lot of Anti out there and it is all bull. I beg you to reconsider this choice.|||What ever happened to being taught by the spirit? John 14:26

I recognize that reading is good, but shouldn't go to God in prayer for an answer. Certainly God is capable of answering a sincere prayer. If not, all those other books are useless.|||Yes, definetely, you have made the right choice.

I had the same problem, and I asked missionaries to stop coming to my home, and nothing else to do with that "church".

They are a 'church' with the only purpose to make money by Not Paying Taxes; and in reality they are a Cult, not a church, and neither a christian one.|||While there are many decent Mormons, the Mormon Church has morphed into a large, pro-homophobia advocacy group. They work tirelessly to take away the civil rights of law-abiding, taxpaying, gay Americans in Hawaii, California and now Maine. If this is what you want in a church, go for it. But if you want a church that understands what "treat others as you want to be treated" really means, keep looking.|||Of course, differant God, their jesus suffered for their sins in the garden, their satan is another son of God, their garden of eden story has them obeyign satan and disobeying God to become God's themselves, there are five books int he bible which openly tell how to operate the temple but they say God is silent now. They say they can become gods and why does a God need a savior?|||Yes you are, as a former member of the Mormon church, I was not told much at all prior to baptism. Please research all you can. Much information is suppressed and not "taught."

What the missionaries will not tell you??



ONE more thing, DO the LDS members know that most all of the "crazy anti material" is straight from LDS reasources?? hum? Because it is, LDS leadership have shot themselves in the foot over and over.

This truth is hurtful to members, but it is still the truth..

Pick a topic here and see what leaders have said about it.

See..鈥?/a>|||Michael B - Repeal Prop. 8! hit the nail right on the head, and you know it, that is why so many of you gave him thumbs down. You are either in denial or support the LDS church's policies of exclusion and unfairness.

cadisney, we will continue to "carry that chip on our shoulders" until the day we gays can legally get married.


I love all of these thumb downs. I knew you were all a bunch of gay haterz.

......and you all said we behaved badly after Prop 8 passed, look at how "rude" you all are at these town hall meetings. So its OK for you to act up to save your rights, but we can't. Hypocritical much!!!!!!

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