Monday, January 23, 2012

Why do some Christian children's book lie?

Years ago I saw this children's book about Easter in a Christian bookstore. When I began flipping through it I noted one particular claim that p*ssed me off as soon as I saw it: the book was saying that the reason we color and hide eggs during Easter was because Jesus' tomb door was shaped like an egg. I shook my head and plopped the book down in disgust. I was a Christian at that time (nearly a decade ago).

It shouldn't have surprised me though. A year prior to that I had asked one of the workers (in that same store, mind you) about the ichythus symbol (the "Jesus fish"). He then gave me this story about how Christians would worship in hiding and how two individuals would find out if the other was a Christian or not by making alternating curves on the ground. When completed, the resulting curves would form an ichythus. I was so fascinated with the story that I got ichythus tattooed on my arm. Years later I found out that that too was a fabrication.

It seems these stories were meant to edify one's faith. Shouldn't that send a red flag that some feel these little white lies are acceptable when attempting to increase the faith of others?Why do some Christian children's book lie?
It's how some christian sects justify celebrating pagan rituals alongside christian rituals.

It's as odd as seeing a christmas tree in a church, which many do.
Complete bollocks. Read some history! Rabbit a fertility symbol? Your famous Easter Bunny was never even a rabbit in the first place!!! There is absolutely no record of anything called "Easter" happening at the time of Christ's resurrection. What was happening was the JEWISH Passover!!

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Why do some Christian children's book lie?
Because Satan wishes to devour. A little bit of seeming harmless falsehood at a time if that's what he sees as progressive. Like Christmas and Easter, just harmless. It may not cause anyone to stumble at first, but a generation or two and people will actually start to think that they are saved by giving presents at Christmas and going to church on Easter.
You have a psuedo christian symbol tattooed on your

I'd be getting it covered over if I were you!

Xians just don't understand that a lie is a lie is a lie no matter how you slice it it still comes out a lie.Why do some Christian children's book lie?
The Bible is one big book of lies so obviously any other book regarding the religion will also be full of lies.
Most of the time the author isn't intentionally lying, they are merely passing along common myths.
Considering that their entire belief system is based on a lie, should that be surprising?
Just another indication that all of mankind is sinful and why we NEED a Savior
The cross is a rip-off of the death story of the Egyptian "god" Horus.
Lying For Jesus is a strong tradition in the Christian community.
That's really what they said? They couldn't think of a better, more plausible lie? That's fecking hilarious.
The simple answer is that noone actually knows for certain why the tradition of colored eggs at Easter arose. Hence to say it was definitely NOT because of the stone at the tomb is just as much a lie as saying it was. Also the reasons why people do things can change with time. Whatever the original reason was, perhaps some people now DO do it to symbolise the door of the tomb. I suspect it was originally either from the Jewish Seder meal or related to the Lenten fast when eggs were not eaten.

The stories about "persecuted Christians" is not a fabrication, though the amount of persecution has sometimes been exaggerated. There were documented persecutions under Nero and under Diocletian and Christianity remained illegal up to the time of Constantine. Christians undoubtedly used the symbol of the fish during this time. The idea of it being a secret way of communicating may be a little fanciful but is at least plausible and again not known with certainty to be either true or false.

And, by the way, 90% of what you will find on the internet about Christian history is false (like the Horus idea).
Is it truly a lie? Could it be a mistake?

Did you know that people who repeat a lie are not necessarily liars? Did you know that some people are simply wrong or mistaken. They do not try to decieve. They do not know that they are wrong.

And you judge all. You call them all liars. Seriously. Can a person make a mistake? Can a person believe a lie or be decieved?

Someone tells me that horses sleep after eating. I believe it. I tell someone else. Did I lie? Did I attempt to trick or deceive anyone? Or am I simply wrong.

Horses do eventually sleep after eating. But it can also be said that horses eventually eat after sleeping. Immediacy is not of concern in the statement. It is an illustration of error versus a lie.

If I try to convince you that I am a person of authority, then that is a lie. If I am simply mistaken, that is not a lie.


Truly information is abundant today. Truly, an ignorant person is at the mercy of his teacher or source of information.

Just how do you suggest an ignorant person go about discerning the truth from a lie? Some matters are not common sense. Some facts are either true or false. There is no figuring it out. There is no reasoning it out. You have reliable facts or you do not.

For you to be angry at the person who is honestly mistaken is wrong. It is just as wrong as the very first person who knew the truth and chose to lie.

Rather than complaining, why not try teaching?

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