Monday, January 30, 2012

Christians, If being a Female Pastor is wrong...?

...what makes it right to be a female minister to lead in other areas of the church (music, children's ministry, etc.)? This question stems from a recent article that I read about Lifeway Christian Bookstores pulling a magazine from their shelves because it features Female pastors on its cover.

(...for those who do believe that it is wrong... if you don't think that it is wrong... chime in! I want to hear your thoughts)Christians, If being a Female Pastor is wrong...?
First of all, I would like to state that the need for women in the church to participate in these areas is largely due to the fact that they are filling in because of the lack of male leadership within the body. There is nothing in the word of God that states unequivocally that women can't perform these duties.

There is an example of a woman leader, Deborah, recorded in the book of Judges. Deborah was a Judge of Israel who lived about 3000 years ago, during a time when the nation was ruled by judges instead of kings.

She was the only female Judge of Israel. She was also a prophet, and the wife of Lappidoth. She held court in Ephraim in a place called "Deborah's Palm Tree," and the Israelites came to her to decide their disputes.

In the New Testament, In the New Testament Lydia used her business as a base of outreach (Acts 16:12-15, 40) and her home as a center for ministry and fellowship. She was a convert of the apostle Paul and often served as an intermediary for his ministry.

In reference to Paul's admonition that women should keep silent in the church it was not intended to bar women from any leadership position within the body of Christ. It was based upon the cultural events of that time. The design of the early Christian churches was patterned after the Jewish synagogues in which women were separated from men and sat in a different area. When a woman had a question about a topic in the sermon she would shout out to her husband for an answer. This became so disruptive to the service that Paul told the women to be silent. It was never intended to be interpreted in the manner that has been described.

There is no logical reason that a woman could not be a pastor, missionary or a teacher within the church, these restraints are man made not biblical.


First of all, I would like to state that the need for women in the church to participate in these areas is largely due to the fact that they are filling in because of the lack of male leadership within the body.

Why is it a lack of males in the body of Christ?

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Christians, If being a Female Pastor is wrong...?
Catholic women do have a role in the Church. We lead women's groups, we teach children, we help out in numerous ways. We just don't take outright leadership roles. Women cannot be priests.

I also think it is better for men to do the daily readings, and assist in administering the Eucharist, although women do these things more and more in the Catholic Church. I've just noticed it has a positive effect on the young men and boys to see the men taking leadership roles.

There's also that whole "Women, be silent in Church!" thing in the bible. It ruffles a lot of feathers, but you can't deny that's what it clearly says in the Bible.
females can teach other females in womans groops or they can teach children but God says that they are not to teach men. they are sapposed to ask their husbands any questions that they might have concerning their faith. the family is sapposed to be one unit lead my the father. the familys beliefs are sapposed to come from the father and the father is responsible to know what God wants by studing the Bible in Church etc. as for single woman they are sapposed to ask the pastor or other woman if they dont understand somthing. Christians, If being a Female Pastor is wrong...?
I don't have a problem with it, and I also think that when other people say God didn't want women to preach or whatever, how do they know? God didn't write the Bible, a bunch of men did and I just think they didn't want women to do something they thought only men should. Like the comment from another Catholic person, that says the Bible says something about women-be silent in Church, It;s just some rule made by men
i dont believe in women pastors.women have great talents and gifts from God i just dont think it to be a pastor.there are scriptures to back this.the traditional roles of man and woman have changed over the years and they are still changing,man woman and children all have their positions.
Jeremiah 3:15 And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.

Meaning male or female. So whatever God say.
The sex of the pastor does not matter. The fact that a pastor is assisting the brainwashing of our children is the problem.
personally i see nothing wrong with a female preaching the word of God. God can use who ever He chooses to spread the word and if He chooses a female then who are we to say its wrong.
Nothing wrong. We have female priests, and female bishops are in the pipeline, so to speak.

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