Thursday, January 26, 2012

Christians, what would you do in this situation?

There is a Christian bookstore i regularly go to but today i noticed they have completely changed the store. They have added an area in the center of their store that is full of statues of mary for sale. Knowing the 2nd commandment says we are not to have statues, should i keep doing business with this store or go looking for another Christian bookstore that does not sell statues of mary?Christians, what would you do in this situation?
Well let's first get some things sorted out. The 2nd commandment does state do not have any statues however, it's refering to worshiping them. It ties in with the 1st comm. "do not have any other god's before Me". Now, the bible states that we are to be in this world but we are not to be of it. We are the ones who have been sanctified through Christ and even though we have been sanctified through Him, we still have to live in this world (just not take part in its practices). As for your situation, it's a tough one. There are 2 points you can look at it from. Point 1: they have made those statues as a piece of furniture to put in a church. Such as for a manger scene figuring it's Christmas. Point 2: As you probably know, Catholics pray to the Saints and to Mary. (I don't understand why they're classified as Christians when their practices go against the bible). If that store is selling them for praying to/worshiping purposes, NEVER go back! They are using your money to be a false witness. On the other hand, if they're using them for furniture pieces, there's nothing wrong with that. So, try and find able (maybe by asking) what they are used for. If they say for furniture that's fine. If they say for worshiping, then start a depate right then and there about how they are a Christian store and how there practices go against the bible (be sure to give verses in the conversation as it will give proof that your points are right) then when you have your points stated, walk out and do not return.
the second commandment, as well as the rest of that old covenant law, applied only to the Israelites who were a party to that old covenant. That covenant ended. Christians are not a party to that old covenant.

If you don't want to do business with that store, that is your choice. I would point out that there are people who make the old covenant law over into a god, and "worship" the law. Maybe you should avoid the Christian bookstore then for the same reason in order to avoid Bibles.

.Christians, what would you do in this situation?
What I would do is take the opportunity a bit about Christian history. Archaeological evidence suggests that sacred art was a part of very early Christian history, and still is to this day. There's nothing saying that Christians cannot have statues; the prohibition is against worshiping them. Are you planning to buy a statue and worship it? No? Neither is anybody else. The store has a right to sell whatever they like. I can't imagine that being an issue for anybody, but if it is, then shop somewhere else.
Personally, i would just wash my hands from this situation. Statues could be good or bad in the eyes of god, depending on what you use it for. So it looks like a very iffy matter that you're in. If i were you, i would just try my hardest not to get involved and just ignore the statues if you enjoy the books. If not that means finding another bookstore. But the greatest advice i could give you, is to just Pray. God will show you the way. Wishing you the best :)Christians, what would you do in this situation?
Do they also sell pictures of Jesus in a dress walking with a herd of sheep or that picture of Jesus with long hair or how about a tapestry with the "last supper" depicted on it. It's all the same thing. Religious art. Religious art is not idol worship unless you're a Muslim.
The second commandment says not to WORSHIP idols. I have a mini statue of an angel in my room but do not worship it. It's just for symbolizing religion.
I bet those books have pictures on the covers. Notice that too is breaking a commandment. I'd go to the nearest one, whatever is more convenient for you.
I'm guessing this bookstore is a Catholic based faith. As long as you are pleased with the message they tell in their books, I wouldn't stop going there. You could simply ignore the statures if it bothers you.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with statues or figurines as long as you do not worship them or pray to them.
I would keep going. There is nothing wrong with statues as long as you don't worship them.
Statues are the same as idols.

That's up to you if you want to continued to shop at the store.
This is obviously a Catholic store. If you are Protestant, don't go.
I thought the commandment says you may not have idols.
There is nothing wrong with statues just as long as you don't worship them.
Christian bookstore is a statue of a box.
LOL Christian book store, do they offer a boys scout magazine on that rack? Or was it boys club?

i'm catholic but that's one of the things i don't like about my religion,, i agree with you.
i would say don't support them if they are not completely about the truth
just don't worship it or prey to it
ignore all religion, for religion has been lead astray. just LOVE JESUS!!!
Hate my mother-

hate me.

+Jesus, I Trust in You!

Here I am, Lord.

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