Monday, January 23, 2012

How can there be "Christian bookstores" when everything in it is Made in China almost as in most major chains?

Many if not most Christian items and gifts fond in Christian bookstores or gift stores are Made in China. Even crosses. Many of these Chinese laborers probably have not really even been missioned to. They are buying possibly from the sweatshops or factories with questionable work conditions. Not "Christian" conditions at all or what Jesus would have prescribed of how workers should be treated.

The abuses of labor in China are widely known (Yes abuses, as in human rights abuses. Being made to work 12 hours or more, being beat, raped. Working around dangerous chemicals like lead. Widespread abuses) and some would question the ethics of paying people so little for and then making so much profit of them.

I think this is very wrong and hypocritical, how can it be Christian?How can there be "Christian bookstores" when everything in it is Made in China almost as in most major chains?
There are some Christian, fair-trade companies, and individual store owners who reflect that philosophy, but I agree with your point.

Where would Jesus shop?

At a store specializing in Made in China, by exploited workers, or locally?

But just as Christians have difficulty understanding, so, too do Americans have difficultly understanding that when they saved a nickel buying something made in China, instead of the USA, they drove American businesses out of business.

So, how can it be Christian? Christians are just like everyone else -- they make mistakes and do the wrong thing.
American Christians still have the market cornered on mouth diarrhea.How can there be "Christian bookstores" when everything in it is Made in China almost as in most major chains?
You make an assumption that just because a factory is located in China that abuse takes place in it.

You could walk you to factories in my neighborhood here in the US where they use illegals, pay them under the table far less then minimum wages, and places them in unsafe conditions. I can then walk to other shops that are fair, clean, and treat their people well.

The same is true in China. There are both good and bad places to work there.

The people of China need jobs to live, same as any other country. I would rather see a good Christian who is going to care for his employees and treat them fairly opening the shops there, rather then some multiple million corporations whose only interest is the bottom line. (Why do you think the abuse you listed happens?)

Unless the good people get in there and do what is right for the workers to improve their situation, it will never get fixed.
Do you have the same concerns for the people who live in the oil producing areas that you buy your gas for your car from?How can there be "Christian bookstores" when everything in it is Made in China almost as in most major chains?
I wouldn't say that about China. But I think it would be alright for Christ to outsource His labor.
After all, God said that the only true Christians are Americans.
it's the content they are selling not how it was made. that makes it "christian"
are you even a Christian.. if not, then take the log out of your eye before looking at these people.
  • professor layton
  • textbook
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