Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Bibles in Bookstores?

Ok so I'm sure most of you know about the bookstore called Borders. Right? K so anyway I noticed the Christian bibles were in the Religion sections, while ever other (and I mean as in every other religion in the store) was placed under fantasy or mythology.

Don't you christians think this is a little self-centered and unfair?

Obviously your religion isnt the only one that exists.

And DONT YOU DARE respond to this question with "Llo cuz teh chrsitanisty is teh one troo religion lawlz!!!111"

Its not. So dont bother.

This makes me wonder why chrsitians are so self-centered about their religion and believe everyone else deserevs to "rot in eternal hellfire."Bibles in Bookstores?
If this is a genuine question and want an honest answer this is not the place to ask such a question. It would better to ask a clerk or manager at Borders the reason only the Bible is placed in the Religion section. I have been to Borders and found books about Judaism, and other religions in the religion section also.

As a Christian I am not self centered, but Christ centered and have NEVER said anyone is going to Hell, This decision is one that is best left to God and Him alone. In fact, I have rarely seen any comments like that on R%26amp;S. Rethink your position because asking it in this manner is offensive.


I havent noticed that at any of the bookstores I go to (Mostly Indigo/Chapters here in Toronto, Canada).

The religious books are under the religion section and also many atheist-related books as well.

Perhaps it varies store by store and perhaps you could complain?

I dont think its the fault of Christians as a whole but rather just an arrogant assumption made by a few who manage/own the store.Bibles in Bookstores?
I come from a mixed bag of religions -my mother was a Wicca -Have all (or most other Christian religions )in my family mix.

I am a Christian for my own personal reasons.

I do think that you are right. May be that is why self righteousness , arrogance and judgmental attitudes are considered a sin (sin = to make a mistake) And if so many Christians were not that way - you just might not feel the way you do about Christians right now -even if you freely choose not to be a Christian .

Truly it is self centered.
I am having a hard time making your jump from the owners of a bookstore categorizing THEIR books to ALL Christians are self centered and believe EVERYONE ELSE DESERVES to "rot in eternal hellfire".

Have you written to Borders? Staged a picket? Written to your local newspaper regarding your concern of discrimination? Or did you just come on here to gripe, meaning you aren't really all that concerned, but thought it might make a great generalization to back up your anti Christian forum?Bibles in Bookstores?
I'm a Christian; and I don't think that.....

We all are humans with feelings and emotion....

We, Christian people, or anyone else for that matter are not the ones who placed the books in the catorgories in Borders. You need to talk to Borders about that........

And you need to get a life..........
It wasn't where I used to go (there isn't a Borders here). They had separate sections for Islam, Buddhism, etc.

I do remember, though, a used bookstore (in the same city) where the guy put evolution and dinosaurs in the mythology section. He's since stopped.
unless ALL christians work at that store , i would suggest YOU ask the managment there . Its they who arranged the Books in their Own store . So i dont think Christian bashing is the answer here .

And your right there are Many . many religions.....However Being a REAL Christian is not a Religion it is a Relationship with The One and ONLY TRue God...Jesus Christ !
Maybe you should be addressing your question to Borders. I've shopped in a number of their stores and never seen what you described. Perhaps that store is doing something against policy.
Hmm... I've been in lots of bookstores and there are other religous books in the Religion section. Even Buddhist-related books are often found there. I know. I own several by the Dalai Lama which came from the Religion section.
That is really self-centered and unfair.

I don't think I'll shop at the local Borders if the same is true there.
We have a borders here in memphis and their are many other religious texts under the religion sections, Islam, hinduism, buddism, ect...
LOL, try finding a religious holy book besides the bible in a Wal-Mart!!
Amazon and Border are known to be liberal, it is not right but it is what they sometimes do.
I would recommend you direct your question to the owners of Borders. You would probably get a better answer fomr them
it is because arrogancy
Dont feel bad. They have comic books for you.
were not the ones placing the books

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