Saturday, February 18, 2012

Do you like my characters?

I'm writing this book - but I'm not putting the plot up. I'm done with that. I can't trust people I've never met before.

Max (Margie) Hamilton - a fun, loving, sweet, yet quiet all at the same time. She doesn't care about what people think about her, has three best friends, and is the main character. She's also somewhat awkward, and has never cared to fit in with the popular people. Christian, very devoted in her beliefs and decisions. She's also speeks her mind, will defend you in a second, is quite capable of sticking up for herself, very neat and independent, very smart, and above all, really beautiful, she's skinny too, but not really stick skinny. Average, soft, somehow. Dark brown hair (almost black) thats wavy and long, emerald eyes, pale ((she's a lifeguard too :)

She's somewhat insecure. Loves to read.

Dylan (Delilah) Blake - VERY funny character. She speaks her mind too often, and doesn't care what people think about her AT ALL. She's confident in herself, and doesn't think twice about anything. Dare devil, spunky, she's that kind of character. She's also average skinny, her family is rich so she doesn't really have to work, she's got dirty blonde hair with freckles on her cheeks and light brown eyes. She cusses often too, but she's Christian. Smart and independent too, and has three best friends. HATES the popular girls.

Cody (Catherine) James - Talks ALOT. She's a very likeable person, and is also somewhat awkward. She's soo sweet, but she can flip immediatley and be a b*tch. She's light tanned, chocolate brown hair, and hazel eyes (green and brown). Average weight, like the rest, three best friends, not so much independent. She likes having a lot of people in her life. She doesn't care at all about the popular people, very happy with who she is. Quite capable of standing up for herself and her friends though. She's smart - but has her blonde moments. She works at a bookstore because she loves reading.

Charlie (Chandler) Gray - very different. She's got mousy brown curly hair (somewhat blonde) with blue eyes. She's much skinnier than the rest. She wears very fashionable clothing, yet different. Example (flowered leggins and a purple dress, or zebra skinny jeans..) but she pulls it off. She could pull off a garbage bag. She's shy and awkward, but very loveable. Has three best friends, somewhat independent, like Cody, can't stand the popular people. LIkes everyone, except them. Absurdly neat. The smartest of the bunch, and likes to get in people's faces (the good kind of way), but she can get in your face and be angry if she has at a kid's jumping house. Likes children. :) Also is somewhat theatrical.

Yes, they all have guys names. Thats the point, its supposed to be ironic. There all best friends, and they don't have boyfriends, but at the end and middle of the novel they all find one.Do you like my characters?
Wow! They sound awesome(:

I'd love to have best friends like these. I can relate with every one of them, too. That's good when you're talking about characters, of course.

I hope you get your novel published one day! You're book sounds rather interesting--quite interesting, if I do say so myself. :)
I really like the characters.

They're really well thought out, and seem very loveable.

:]Do you like my characters?
wow! you're such a talented writer! i love that they have guy names. i sound a lot like cody james, smart, but still has her moments.. who doesn't? i hope that one day you'll punish your book, big aspiration i know, but dont give up! put the novel on yahoo when its finished, i would love to read it!

good luck with your writing!! :)
It seems really cool. But the characters seem kinda sorta very similar.... Is that on purpose ??? I think you can make them a bit more unique...

Anyways good luck and i hope your book becomes AWESOME :DDo you like my characters?
I like Charlie the best! =D

Very good development. rl bff answered this before me...love鈾augh鈾ive...anyway!

You already knew I liked Max, but I really like the other characters!

I really like Dylan, she reminds me of another character from another book...maybe Erin from Marked, but I could be wrong. Anyway, I think she's my favourite!

I like them all of course! Are you going to post Tyler's personality on here?

EDIT: btw, love鈾augh鈾ive doesn't have her moments. She's a keener. She actually spazzed out on me today for accusing her of never getting below an 80 on a test. lol. I sound a bit like Charlie

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