Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Why are gay Republicans so hostile to gay Americans?

Another Republican was caught picking up men. This time, a WA. state legislator. He was in a gay bookstore, dressed in women's lingerie. What is it with these people? They love to talk about what Christians they are and "family values", then turn out to be pervs seeking BJ's in public toilets, cross-dressers and child molesters. (Remember Mark Foley? Republicans hope you don't).Why are gay Republicans so hostile to gay Americans?
they just hate the one's they don't vote forWhy are gay Republicans so hostile to gay Americans?
I find them about as hypocritical as the so called " pro gay rights democrats" that are now bashing them for being gay.Why are gay Republicans so hostile to gay Americans?
First of all, don't compare the situation of Mark Foley with that of closet cases. Mark Foley did not vote against gay rights, not in all circumstances. He was probably not what you would call a "self-loathing homosexual."

Second, this case of the WA state legislator calls to my mind the autobiography of former Congressman Robert Bauman, a Republican member of the U.S. House from Maryland during the 1970s. He, too, at first denied being gay, then after he was no longer in office, he wrote an autobiography in which he did "come out" and tried to explain himself. He admitted to hypocrisy, admitted to being a hypocrite, but he also admonished his critics that they should not, in retaliation to his hypocrisy, implicitly endorse moral relativism.

I highly recommend that people find a copy of "The Gentleman from Maryland; the Conscience of a Gay Conservative," by Robert Bauman.
When republicans get caught its shocking, when Liberals do it it's par for the course. I can be gay and still think that it's wrong.

Why do we all try to justify our lifestyles. Moral relativism is very dynamic. So if a large majority of people want to molest children are we going to move that from the "social deviant" category to the "alternative lifestyle" category and defend it? My problem with gay people is their attempt to force me and my kids to call it "normal".

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