Sunday, February 12, 2012

How Many Christians Do You Think?

Break the Ten Commandments by stealing copyrighted materials online via torrents or otherwise? The Bible is the most shoplifted book in bookstores, but do you think the thou shalt not steal rules apply online? Should there be an amendment made in accordance with the Digital Millenium Copyright Act?How Many Christians Do You Think?
I don't know how many Christians steal copyrighted materials, but you are correct that such theft falls under the commandment not to steal. Clearly, stealing a physical Bible is the sin and crime of theft. If the Bible is the most shoplifted book, that is consistent with its perennial best-seller status.

The laws on copyright probably do need refinement in an electronic age. Certainly, any copy-and-paste answers in this forum should be attributed to their authors by the simple expedient of providing the URL in the source box. While copyrights expire (for example, the KJV translation of the Bible is public domain), Christians are not exempt from honoring intellectual property rights.

I am surprised to see people who picture themselves as honest stealing music and movies using the internet. These products belong to their composers and producers, and they are made at great expense. I hope Christians stealing these properties will recognize that they are just as guilty as those who steal CDs and DVDs in shops.


Most. Most of the ones I've spoken with pick and choose what they uphold as is convenient to them.How Many Christians Do You Think?
Not perfect, just forgiven

I am glad you feel qualified to judge us.

STBUHow Many Christians Do You Think?
God already has all the torrents even before people post them. Because he is god!

I question your numbers.


None of us are perfect.


Why do you expect perfection from us?

And have a nice life.
Good for Christians!

I'm atheist but they must have worked really hard to get so many followers. It does not really matter how many their are, as long as they don't try shoving their Religion down my throat then I'm fine with it.
if its put on line its not copyrighted any more if its posted on web pages

items in torrents that are downloaded are illegal

not many do that some have

yes they apply online

no there should be no amendment
I do not plagiarize copyrighted materials; end of story.

Now, to quote from one source or another to make a point is an entirely different thing. People do it all the time--it's called supporting their thesis. If you take an English One class, you'll find out I'm right about that.

As for quoting from the Bible, keep in mind that the King James version was written before copyrights were invented and therefore is not copyrighted. Even if one quotes from another version, it is still not stealing, since quoting from a source is not the same as stealing--never has been.

Christians quote from various sources, Atheists do it, Scientists do it, Philosophers do it, Lawyers do it. But all of a sudden, it's the Christians who are stealing? C'mon--let's have a level playing field!
I suspect as the numbers are comparable to other categories of people - pick any.

How many self professed atheists do you think are honest (with themselves) about their belief system. I see many spending inordinate amounts of time and effort attacking belivers and belief systems in these forums. If you're nothing but a bunch of molecules floating about for no special reason, why sweat it? It really doesn't matter.
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