Saturday, February 18, 2012

How do I explain my choice easily to my mom?

I really considered my religion as a wiccan but my mom told me that we are something that defines the we believe in God but I'm not sure I do it's NTH PERSONAL 2 ANY 1. When my step-team were done performing @ this local bookstore I came across this book *Note that it was a teen with for the new generation*

I done all my research and am prepared but not prepared. I always felt more of a great pull towards that religion and I have done spells it was all good except 1 of 'em i burnt the paper and the smoke turned yellow for sme reason. I have a friend who's a witch seriously and talked to me about everything. I wld rather face my mom then my dad because with stuff like this he's has this really scary seriousness and he's a christian and is part of this huge group which is such a big deal I think and they really make me sick with everything. I've considered this for a long time.

The thing is what should I do cause both my parents are sorta strict but me and my mom have a big mother daughter relationship and I'm such a daddy's girl my grandma is always mentioning GOD and everything gives me headaches.

I understand where you are coming from. I grew up in a strict Christian family. I always felt there was more to it. I was in 6th grade at the time when I first discovered Wicca, I was drawn to it instantly. I felt like it was right it was where I belonged. I kept it hidden as well as I could but not even in to 3 weeks of taking the reed mom found out. She had been doing laundry and putting things away when she found my Book Of Shadows. She ripped and burned it before my eyes. She told me it was devil's work and I would burn for eternity if I did not pray for forgiveness. I did not let my mom dictate my life I continue to practice almost 7 years later. My mother still hates that part of me. Please take my advise it will make things so much easier. Wait till your older. I wished I had waited till I was 18 to tell my mother. I learned from my mistake. Trust your heart you will know when the time is right.How do I explain my choice easily to my mom?
It sounds like there is a battle going on here Wiccan vs Christian or Evil vs Good to put it another way and your in the middle of the struggle.

From a Christians point of view Wiccan is simply Satan's work, trying to pull you away from the Christian life and the truth, light and life found in Jesus.

It sounds like you may have got into this Wiccan stuff through your witch friend.

Be Aware, The Wiccan stuff may be exciting and good on the surface but underneath it's not.

On the up side its a positive sign that the enemy of this world (Satan) is trying to get you away from the church, because it means you are seen by the enemy as a great threat to him, you could be destined for great things in the Church and Satan is doing all he can to try and get you away from this.

Im not really convinced you know exactly what your getting into.

Satan's very sneaky, he was back in the garden of eden and he still is now, He will use friends and those that worship him, (ie. Anyone not worshipping Jesus) whether that be by witchcraft or simply those who Self-Worship (ie. make a God of themselves) to get you away from the truth or try to get at or cause upset to family members.

There are many ways Satan tries to get you away from the Church but be wiser than the snake.

By the grace and truth found in Jesus you will overcome the enemy too.

Other things to be aware of at your young age can be found here,

Satan will use all kind of ways to trap you and get you worshipping him, Be wise, don't be fooled.How do I explain my choice easily to my mom?
I wouldn't say anything at all to them just yet. To be honest your age will prevent them from respecting your decision. If you still feel this way when you are 23, then maybe go for it.

A word to the wise though, do not do spells until you fully understand what you are doing. There is more to it than lighting some candles and saying some words. Those words you are saying mean something and just because you are reading them out of a book does not mean they are accurate or trustworthy. In this day and age anyone can publish a book and I have found books that are not 100% what they claim to be, and please don't believe everything that you read on the internet. You never know who these people really are. Yes, myself included.

Though many people will deny it, something you should realize is that there is not a huge difference between Christianity and Wicca. When your family says, 'Praise God', you can silently add in your mind, "And the Goddess". Don't get angry at your family for believing the way they do.

And, no slam to your friend who is a witch, but the both of you should be very careful. At this stage of the game, learn everything that you can and I mean do some heavy research. Understand why spells and prayers work, fully know the pantheon of Gods and Goddesses from every religion, practice pulling energy to you, but until you know what you are doing and why it works the way it does do not push it out.

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