Wednesday, February 15, 2012

So to people who have faith without evidence, what is the difference between your faith and everyone elses?

For example, the difference between Christianity and Pastafarianism, there is a Christian Bible that is sold at bookstores, there is a Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster sold at bookstores.

What makes one persons faith the correct one, if both faiths have no empirical evidence to make it so absolutely that all human beings would believe?So to people who have faith without evidence, what is the difference between your faith and everyone elses?
First of all, the Chrisitan faith is solidly based on more evidence than any other religion on earth. How you come up with the notion otherwise is either intentional ignorance or baldface lies.

As for emperical evidence, there actually is emperical evidence for many of the claims of the Bible, but why don't we cut right to the chase. At its core, Christianity rests on the Resurrection of Jesus. It is the lynchpin upon which the totality of the Scripture rests. If you can refute this, then you can collapse Christianity. But since you cannot, nor has anyone since Jesus time been able to, I feel pretty secure in my faith.

And if the Resurrection is true, then this validates what the Bible says. Therefore, we have a source for objective, outside-of-mankind rules of what is right and wrong.

Now, if the leader of Pastafariajnism were to die, be embalmed, and yet rise from the dead three days later, then we have something to talk about.
No other religion has Someone who is the Son of God dying for the sins of the whole world.....

Jesus did, and he also rose from the dead.

You don't see a difference? Gads....So to people who have faith without evidence, what is the difference between your faith and everyone elses?
To the first person that answered: There are many religions that are sensible and peaceful.
It is the object of ones faith that makes a difference.

Jesus Christ is the son of God, who died on a cross, rose again, and is the only way to the Father.

One can have faith in anything. But if it does not exist, the faith will be in vain.So to people who have faith without evidence, what is the difference between your faith and everyone elses?
Faith doesn't need empirical evidence. Those who have Faith differ only in the methodology they use to express that Faith. I don't subscribe to any organized religion myself. My faith comes from the fact that I have recieved many blessings in my life. While I know my own work has provided me with some, many others were just there when I needed them and for no reason at all. Additionally. no human could have created the incredible beauty of our world, but I also believe in the evolution of all species of life. I truly believe that a God always was, is and always will be. No persons version of Faith is the correct one. They are all correct.
Faith is found in believing ,without faith you will never see ,its a spiritual thing and you need some faith to see spiritually all the spirits that around you .You need evidence you have it ,shortly you will be full of faith and will believe in the spirit in me,there is not one soul that ever lived ,that ever was and ever be,Like the one that dwells within ,very powerful in faith having the most faith in believing in a supreme being over all of you little ones ,go to my blog,knock on a wall and see the faces upon the faces coming out of the walls,no joke ,please go there and see tell the world ,,zoom in ,tell the world I SEE THE SPIRITS AND DEMONS,YOU WILL BE SAVED A GIFT ONTO FOR HELPING THREE DAYS HAVE PASSED AND NOT ONE HAS LOOKED NOT ONE
We have Faith with evidence..God's creation(Genesis 1:1,2)Next are you going to tell me that the stars don't exist?God is real,Jim..You yourself know this..God bless.
The FSM's gospel has been backed by more empirical evidence than the bible.

you just have to read it!

My God backtalks me!

(thanks clem, for the good laugh)
Of course we have faith without evidence.

I Cr 13;8;a, Love never fails!!!!!

Neither are correct. It's a matter of personal choice.
Faith is a real Spiritual Substance in the Spiritual Realm.

A Saved Persons Spirit can Produce Faith.

An Unsaved Persons Spirit can only Recieve Faith, but can still act on it.
Jesus Christ's Christianity, original true Christianity is the only faith that allows a personal relationship with God...

So it is not just a religion...

It also promises salvation to those that accept Jesus, Not salvation by works... which are never good enough...

However- Christ commanded us to love and do good works because we are saved... not to love and do good works in order to obtain God's salvation...

God's salvation is like a gift... you cannot obtain it... there is only one way to get it... you must recieve it and accept it.

God bless you and yours.
There is no correct faith. That's why we have so many different beliefs. Even though everyone believes their religion is the correct one... its no different than believing in Zeus...
If someones God talks back to them, wouldn't that be the correct one? If He does miracles on their behalf, and proves Himself faithful over and over again, wouldn't that be the correct one? Down through History the Father of Jesus has done these things, that's why He has such a following. That's why you'll never change a Christians mind, they KNOW that HE IS.
Belief in your rationalizing is ludicrous and what Jesus Christ said is completely sensible and peaceful. Have a nice day!
you have finally gotten the point!!! The choice to believe or not is just that --a choice. If you feel alone then you will strive to find a place to belong, a place that "reassures" you and what you want to believe. when everyone is special no one is, that's why Christians fight so hard to convince others that they're right. they want to be special, to be chosen, to suffer for what they believe in. it gratifies their selfish needs to be right and belong. those that follow the teachings of Christ don't need to scream, they are loving and quiet and meek. they will draw others to them as Christ did. MAN is the flaw in religion, not the basic tenets of a faith. love your neighbor as yourself, the meek shall inherit the earth not the loud S.O.B. screaming "i'm right YOU ARE WRONG"
I have evidence!

The bible says that "all words in the word of god is god breath" So one can always believe that. More-over christianity has evidence in history and also in archeology.

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