Sunday, February 12, 2012

Christians, I obeyed God and was going to hold a group,?

that would be for ladies once a week at a bookstore on a Christian topic, but after all my advertising was done (paid $), the book store informed me it was closing down. I had looked for weeks for this free location so there was no backup. I can only discern God slammed this door shut. Why would he lead me along this path only to shut this door at the last minute?

I've been waiting for him to tell me what to do next but it's been a month and I have no direction from him, only disappointment.Christians, I obeyed God and was going to hold a group,?
That's life, sometimes God has nothing to do with it.
That's the Christian God for ya.Christians, I obeyed God and was going to hold a group,?
Don't wait for direction. Go do something else and it'll come...


Maybe He is preparing something for you...
Well, I'm an atheist but what a defeatist attitude. "God helps those who helps themselves" as you are no doubt fond of sayingChristians, I obeyed God and was going to hold a group,?
Keep looking for another place to go nearby this bookstore. God bless you child on your journey
God still has a plan for you. You will still do great things... maybe the topic just wasn't what he wanted from you. Don't worry, he has something in store for you!
Every time God leads you to do something, Satan is going to throw up every stumbling block he possibly can to try and stop you. Because the minute your heart aligns itself with God, you become a threat to him. Keep talking to God and pour out your concern. If he really wants you to do this, another door will open soon enough!
It could be a test.
How do you know it was God who thwarted your intentions?
Interesting that you conclude that God slammed a door shut. God may or may not have been behind the store's closing; you and I will never know. We will also never know what, if any, purpose He had for doing it. It is not our place to know and to conclude that He did something to hurt us. He would never do that. It is hard to accept that things go wrong, especially when we are doing things to support our faith and our community. It is important to not judge the event and to just go with the flow.
God only talks to nuts. Go hold yours and ask again.
sometimes satan shows us something that looks good, and could help, but it wouldn't be what God has to fully use you with. or it can be God showing you to just trust in Him. And maybe your only listening for a certain thing and that's not what God is trying to say..
I feel like God closed the door because He had something better for you.Just wait and see what happens.He knows best even tho we don't understand.He sees the whole picture. Hope this helps some.
god leads you but you have to put a little effort in too....try new things do what your heart tells you..after all god is the one guiding your heart...and if he wants you somewhere else He will let you know...

dont worry so much....just take one day at a time!!!

good luck....and remember God is only testing you...putting you through hard times for a reason....he has something special planned for you!!!!! just have faith :)
God works in strange and mysterious, yet wonderful ways. Are you sure he asked you to do this in the first place? Sometimes we feel the need to do something and we feel that it's God telling us to do it. He may have caused the bookstore to close because this wasn't in His plan. God doesn't always answer, and when He does, it may be years after you first asked. God has a wonderful plan for you, just open your heart to Him. Say, "God, I know you know what's best for me, so I'm giving it all to you. Let me do your will." God may disappoint, but he never forgets you or stops loving you. Everything will work out in the end.
If you are waiting for God to give you an answer, you are going to wait for a long time. God didn't slam the door shut, the business was unsuccessful and had to close down. God has given people free will, and as such I refuse to believe that he has planned a fate for us, since that would contradict the free will ideas. Try again, buy try without blaming God for leading you or causing failure. If you have disappointment in God for this little ordeal, then your faith is to be questioned anyway, and this is not an event that you should be hosting.
Instead of simply doing your own thing. Why don't you join a church and become part of their activities and allow God to minister to you and grow some in maturity in the ways of God.

Then when you have established your self with some level of maturity and credibility in your Christian faith, then you can perhaps ask your pastor to help you run a group for people in your church.
I believe that God's desire is for the body to come together in the homes like the first churches did. This may be what He wants for you
god gives it and does it on his own time and you dont know when that is, so dont give up on our father, if you truly want to do this he will reveal it to you, just pray and you will see, just stay and believe and dont give up, satan just wants another soulGod did not slam that door satan did, so dont fall for satan. God Bless you.
I don't understand when something goes wrong in a persons life, that they automately blame God.

It just might be that Satan had a hand in it and God allowed it for he wanted you to hold your Bible study group at the Church Building.

We have ladies Bible study on Tuesday morning at our Church building.

But do pray about it and don't blame God.
I cannot tell you if this really is God's will for you or not, but I can tell you that if God placed this thought on your heart, He may be taking you through a crisis of belief- which means that He is seeing how much you will continue to trust Him even when doors seem to slam in your face. Just because it has been a month, does not mean the door is closed. How long did it take for Abraham and Sarah to have Isaac, after God promised Him a son- about 25 years- so hang in there, and if God is really behind this ,it will happen in His timing- the bookstore closing may have been God's plan to get you to look elsewhere- if this is a passion that God has placed on your heart, do not let go, God bless you.
poor discernment..poor faith child..have you the faith of a mustard seed

are you backed into your lions den, and have no key, and not waiting for the angel to hold the lions back..or the jail to break open like Paul, before his trial...can you stand a ship wreck and chains,and being whipped, and tortured, and still hold to Gods side in his door closed, and another opens..let God give you the key to the right door, the door that closed could have been a lease up, or somthing else.
As long as you're waiting for God to do something, you'll be waiting for the rest of your life. I've watch Dr. Phil today, and I could not believe that that family of 8, on the verge of loosing the house, the father was waiting for God to tell him what to do??? That is a great lack of common sense.

Now your thing is obviously to make money by doing nothing!!! Typical...If you're a real Christian, quit leeching on people and earn your own living....
maybe you did what you thought

try asking God what he wants and the place he wants


there simply is no biblical basis / instruction whatsoever in the whole of the Bible

and thus is your answer.

God will not bless this misguidance of faith, and he in no wise will ever answer your folly.

Your heart is the error

as God will never disappoint if what you conceive is firmly rooted and grounded on the faith of the KJV 1611

if you want a blessing from God,

then remove the money investing thingy that has all America at odds with true worship, you guys are so gripped by the greenback..............

True worship of God is

1. James 5 : 1 - 3 read it and remove the money status thingy thing that has you obsessed

2.James 1 : 26 read it and stop talking about yourself and your ambitions, start talking and thinking of all of God's ambitions to save the ones who are going to hell...........

3. James 1 : 27 read it .......what is the pure religion?

a) visit the fatherless and widows in their sufferings.........................

b) keep your heart clean from sin

oh if you think not , then turn to revelations 3 : 16 God hates our church age and is gunna spue you out of the Holy city if you do not heed the advice and repent ( collossians 4 : 16 orders you to read the epistle from Laodecia,,,,so you have no ground to stand on and your faith is faithless.

If you repent God will repent from doing what He intends to do with your sorry little life.

Take this letter as a svere word of warning and save yourself
God is on vacation.

Cut him some slack, would u.
There is no god, your situation should at least open your eyes to this concept.


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