Saturday, February 18, 2012

Why do some people push their beliefs on others?

Short version:

Why do some people try to push their beliefs on others? How do you handle it when they do? What was your worst experience with someone who was doing it?

Long story:

I was in a bookstore yesterday and I was looking for books in the history section on Norse peoples and beliefs, and I was looking at an anthropology book when a man came up to me, and said hello and started talking to me (and looking at my chest).

I was picking out one book, and he saw the stack I had in my hands and says. "Fascinating, weren't they? But all that raping and pillaging stopped once they found Christ."

I admit, my head popped up a little, and I must have looked rather annoyed or offended, because he gestures to my books, like I didn't know what he was talking about. And then he says. "your a Christian aren't you?"

I calmly said I was not, and started to walk away and he starts walking with me and starts asking me what I believe and why I couldn't see that Jesus was the truth. I informed him rather tersely that I used to be a Christian, and to please leave me alone. he kept poking and bothering me about it. Asking me why I "lost faith" and that I had never been a real Christian.

I told him again to leave me alone, and when he wouldn't shut up, I ducked into the ladies and stayed there for awhile.

Why would someone randomly start talking like this? And why wouldn't he stop after being told repeatedly that I wasn't interested?Why do some people push their beliefs on others?
it does me no harm whether my neighbor believes in 20 gods or none.

but it does severely annoy and inconvenience me when they try to push those beliefs on me.

it's built into human nature to believe we are right and other are wrong because we can only see our personal evolution of thoughts and feelings leading to that specific belief. for some reason many people blind themselves to the fact that other people have experienced their own personal journey. some people use logic, some people follow blindly.

it's a case of hearing but not listening. they want you to listen to them, but not speak. they themselves are taught to listen and not speak, so all that energy and dogma then gets pushed upon an innocent bystander in a bookstore.

i'm usually tempted to respond in the opposite (proclaiming satan is my god) but i've outgrown actually doing that for favor of thinking it and treating them like an annoying little dog that doesn't shut up.

perhaps next time you could go to the manager and telling them that a patron is irritating you? or maybe a blank stare is more your style? perhaps a kick in the nuts?

whatever you do, don't run away! they delude themselves into thinking you're running away from their beliefs and religion, instead of trying to "scratch" the "itch".Why do some people push their beliefs on others?
He is only doing what his religion tells him to do. The Acts of the Apostles and the Epistles of Peter are very clear that we (Christians) are supposed to Evangelize and spread the Salvation of Christ's love.

I do understand how you feel though. I do not like other people forcing their religious beliefs on me either. I have my own beliefs and don't want others to push theirs on me. Next time tell the person there are three things you don't discuss with strangers. Sex, religion, and bathroom habits.Why do some people push their beliefs on others?
That usually doesn't happen to me.

I scared all the intolerant people away from me (and with only one raid!), so I really can't be much help.

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