Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Girls only. What is the best way to let a girl know your interested and start a relationship with them?

I am 17 years old, work at a bookstore, and a Christian. I like to talk about topics and find deeper meaning in things. At times I can be shy. I am good at writing, and like books. I want to have a girlfriend so I can have someone to hug and be comforted by when I'm down. I would like some advice on how to ask a girl out, and in what senarios is it good. How well do you need to know the person before? What is the best approch? Those type of answers. Thank you.Girls only. What is the best way to let a girl know your interested and start a relationship with them?
Well, first of all, the most important my opinion, when looking for someone, is are they a strong Christian. So, you are on the right path! I think that's great that you like to talk in a deeper sense because most girls like that, they usually won't admit it, but the truth is that they enjoy those conversations the most! :) Whenever you feel shy, just pray and ask the Lord to give you strength to do what you are fixing to do. I know, easier said than done, but if you truely believe that this is the right girl and that God has said this is a good time for you to make this person become a part of you, then it will all work out! I think it's really important to know what God wants you to do, and whenever you (basically) invite this girl into your life and have a relationship with her, you have to remember that she has become a part of your relationship with God. You will talk with God about what to do, how to do this or that, and how not to make the wrong or right decisions on things, and this will be a constant thing... So, it's a big decision to have another person become a part of your everyday life.

I think it is very, very important to know this person well enough before you ask them out, ask them to be your girlfriend.

The best way to approach a girl is when, like I said above, whenever there aren't too many people around, in my opinion.

Another thing to remember is Pray, Pray, and Pray some more!

Prayer is POWERful!Girls only. What is the best way to let a girl know your interested and start a relationship with them?
Not a good solid reason to want a girlfriend ... to have someone to hug and comfort you when you are down. You will surely find a caregiver type who will fit into your mould - there are lots of women looking to take care of you and other guys just like you. But they will tire of always being the giving one, and will move on to someone new - just to repeat that same scenario.

Do you go to church? Church youth groups would have kids your age with similar interests. Going to college with offer other opportunities to meet intelligent women, maybe in psychology or theology classes.Girls only. What is the best way to let a girl know your interested and start a relationship with them?
Make sure if you wanna ask a girl it make sure that she is alone. If her friends are with her she might feel the pressure of everything going on. You should know the person at least a little bit before asking them out or on a date. Try to be friends with the girl first.

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