Saturday, February 18, 2012

When and where to tell your parents you're Wiccan?

Alright, so I'm a 13 year old Wiccan (Well... almost, I'm self-dedicating tomorrow Yay! :D) If you don't want to read the backround on this just scroll down to the next paragraph but I think it would help on answering this question.... Anyways both of my parents are Christian, my step-dad more so than my mom, and I used to be a Christian too. I went to a Christian academy for about 3 or 4 years and I was never really exposed to any other religion besides Christianity. When I found out that my aunt was homosexual, I was Christian at the time, I didn't think that your sexual orientation made a difference in religion... until there was a lesson in bible class about gay/lesbian/bi, ect. They said that whoever is like that will go to hell. I was already sort of drifting away from Christianity because I didn't feel any spiritual connection or a want to learn more and praise God and what not, and that just pushed me even further away from Christianity. Well, my step-dad and I went to a bookstore sometime after that and I saw a book of Wiccan spells on the shelf and said ,"Ooh daddy can I have that pretty book?" (because it had sparkles on it being the little girl I was) and he said "Absolutely not." I didnt know why he said that so I asked him and he said "Because you cant have it" (or something along those lines). And so I accepted that. Then a couple years later we moved and started going to a new church where they're like you can't do this, this, or this. So I was pretty upset but accepting of that. But that was also when I started realizing that men are pretty much dominant to the extent where in church (or at least all of the ones we went to) it is "speak when spoken to" for the women and children. That pushed me even further away. Then summer of 2008 I went to a Christian camp with my youth group for 7 days and at the camp all they preached and taught about is "we need to spread the word" and "our God is the ONLY true God" or "ours is the true religion"... and I just couldn't accept that and I couldn't grasp that and didn't want to. That is what really "pushed me over the cliff" so to speak. So I told my mom I had accepted the Lord while I was there (so she'd get off of my back about the whole "have you been saved yet? Are you sure?" thing because she was literally asking me that every 5 minutes) but obviously I didn't and from then on I was switching back and forth between no religion and Christianity. Then I finally found my common sense and started researching other religions and I was actually leaning toward Buddhism, but even that didn't feel right. Then one night, my mom was hosting a scrapbooking party and one of her friends asked me if I was Wiccan (because I'm vegan). My mom answered for me: "She'd better not be! She's Christian." I thought that it was rude and rather impertinent of her to answer a question for me about what I believe. I am grateful that she did though because at the time I had no idea of what Wicca was. So I reasearched it and... it just felt... right. It felt like I was home, ya know? Sorry, it's kinda hard to explain. And at that moment I knew it was (and is) the right path for me.

So I am not very good at keeping secrets from my parents, my mom imparticularly, and I have been thinking about "coming out of the broom closet" to my family and my friends. Here's the problem: 1.I'm pretty sure that my parents will freak out. I know for a fact that they won't kick me out but they probably won't be happy. 2. my whole entire family on my mom's side is Christian... that will definately cause some awkward family get togethers 3. I probably won't be able to hang out with my little cousins (who I absolutely love) 4. all of my friends are Christian... I don't know if they'll stay friends with me or not. But there are also benefits: 1. I might be able to practice my religion freely 2. I might be able to buy books to further my knowledge 3.I might be able to celebrate the Sabbats and Esbats ON THEIR ACTUAL DAYS (I have to plan my rituals around when my parents are going to be gone) 4. I wont have to worry about my parents finding my BOS (I hide it under my bed right now). So I decided that the possible benefits outweigh the risks and am planning on coming out of the broom closet. I recently found out that we are going out to dinner on the day of the new moon, and since that is on the day of new beginnings (the new moon) I figure I should tell them there. My reasoning is: 1. They can't yell and scream at a restaurant... they'll make themselves look like fools. 2. We always talk about important things at restaurants. I've also been thinking of a plan of how I should tell them. I'm going to tell them "Mom, dad, Christianity isn't the right religion for me anymore." and after I say that I'll see what their reactions are. If it's "Oh?" then I'll tell them I'm Wiccan. If their reactions are "What?!?!" then I'll just tell them that I'm going to start researching other religions and after theyve ha|||It took you a long process over time to get to where you believe now. Don't shock your parents by revealing it all at once but rather bring them thru the same process by openly discussing what they believe. Discuss the problems you have with Christianity and let them try to explain why they believe certain things that are in the Bible. For example the part about homosexuals going to hell. Find out who else the bible says is going to hell and you will see that it's almost everybody. see for example Jude verse 16. These are grumblers, finding fault, following after thier own lusts, etc..... If your parents are so convinced the Bible is true and that Christianity is the only true religion they should welcome any questioning of why they believe. Now for the parts you agree with that also appear in other religions you should discuss those with your parents. Please allow them to walk thru the process of your beliefs with you so that at the end they will understand why you beleive as you do. But if you shock them with your revealing then they will be too upset to discuss rationally. Keep the door of communication open.|||NICE DISSERTATION|||Wow, I'm sure everyone will be so proud of you, and your mother will bless the day that you were born.|||Given the economy, I'm sure they have bigger fish to fry.

"Now's a time as good as any!"|||do you think I m going to read all that ?|||If I were your parent and you are as scattered as I think you are, I might just let it ride.

Then I'd make a bet with my wife that you'd be bored or embarrassed within 3-6 months and chuck the whole thing.|||Tell them on Halloween and then fly off on your broomstick.

Just kidding! They are your parents. they should love you no matter what and if they have a problem with who you are then they have some bigger issues...tell them anywhere anytime just as long it's not totally inappropriate timing.

One good thing to use if they are really trippin' is this: "I'm a good witch. Not a bad witch. Only bad witches are ugly."|||Wow, very nicely written.

"Then I finally found my common sense and started researching other religions"

Umm then why be anything?

If you found your common sense I don't think you'd just jump to being or saying your a Wiccan before you know what its about.

But as to advice on how to deal with telling them I'd have to say don't or throw them off with a question about Christianity, like this one..

"Mom, Dad. How come you're not Jews.

Jesus was a Jew and wanted his people to be good Jews right. So aren't we breaking the first rules Jesus laid out for us and that is to be a Jew?"

It worked on my parents.

I'd say go with your first instincts about religion and lean about them, you will find NONE of them make any real sense, but you will learn what, where and why there's religion, which is even more powerful than believing in any one religion.|||When you grow up, get a job, get your own apartment and life and understand more about Spirituality and Religion to even ask that question, Their house, their rules period!!

If you can't be open about a Belief or Religion why bother, true belief is not hidden but as a child you are what your parents say until you grow up and out of the house!|||ok. first: find the similarities. there are more than most want to admit. it can be an extension to christianity. next, research the rites that have to deal with CASTING OUT AND BANISHING DEMONS.

you gotta prove to them that wicca is NOT satanic. tell them what the wiccan rede is (if you don't know, look it up (it sounds a lot like Jesus' Golden Rule)).

then, calmly present your case. you gotta think of it like a court trial cuz most christians think that wicca is all about having crazy orgies with the devil and cursing people. it's actually quite the opposite.|||Whenever you decide to tell them is alright I suppose. But keep in mind, if they forbid you from practicing while you live with them, then you would be doing harm to practice deceptively (like you are doing right now to be perfectly honest. Looking into it is one thing. Practicing it under their noses and behind their backs is deception and basically paints all Wiccans in a bad light, doing harm to both your relationship with your parents, and other Wiccans who they may view as deceptive.) Add into this that I recall the experienced Wiccans in my life saying that as your parents they have the right to restrict your spiritual path until you have moved out, it's their right as parents.

So tell them whenever. But don't go off the deep end if they say "No. While you live with us you are Christian, end of story."

"Of course the last option- the one many follow - is to be deceptive. I beg of you, as a mom who loves my child, loves Wicca, and knows how your parents feel... DO NOT sneak around like a weasel and practice Wicca behind your parents' backs. All you will prove to your parents is that Wicca IS BAD and that wiccans are liars and sneaks. We aren't that way at all... and most wiccans would hate to be viewed in that light! Instead, respect your parents and love them... and know that Wicca will be there when you are ready and we will welcome you with open arms and hearts!"|||There is no good time or place to tell your Christian parents that you have become Wiccan. You know you don't have to follow a religion "rule for rule" to believe in the same God as your parents. I was born and raised Methodist, I still believe in God but I don't follow that religion "rule for rule" and my parents are fine with that. Honestly, you're only 13, are you sure you know what you are getting yourself into? To me, it sort of seems like you are just trying to rebel by believing the exact opposite of what your parents believe.|||If you want presents for Christmas and your birthday, wait to tell them when you're 18 and out on your own.|||YOU GONNA GO TO HELL!

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