Thursday, February 2, 2012

CHRISTIANS ONLY!!!!! NO ATHEISTS!!! Is it evil to get stones from an occult bookstore?

My girlfriend and I were out shopping two days ago, and she wanted to go into a bookstore that sold witch craft stuff. I wasn't going to do it, but I got bored waiting for her so I went inside.

I saw that she bough 3 small stones. A green one, a blue one, and a purple one. She said she was going to carry them in her pocket for good luck, and because they are supposed to do something. I'm really worried about her, and I've been praying for her because I'm afraid that this might be witch craft.

Is it ok to buy stones from a witch craft place and then carry them around? Or is it practicing magic?|||Not at all the city of God is made of the same precious stones.

I'm a electronics engineer, I once didn't think crystals where anything special, but I found out each one has a different frequency that we use for timing oscillators. Every organ of you body has a unique vibration, harmonizing is good for them. Music too has a effect on your body. Colors have a frequency and effect the way you feel. The best way of getting your vibes in balance is singing, it causes your hole body to vibrate in harmony.

Beware not to get sucked into "NEW AGE RELIGION"|||It is not evil, but it is not optimal either. Carrying good luck stones or reading astrology seriously or suchlike are superstitious practices. Ideally a Christian should not be superstitious, since superstition implies a lack of trust in God. However, most superstitious practices are based on lack of education, curiosity, etc. -- there is no conscious attempt to deny God's power. Keep on praying for your friend so that she comes to a more mature understanding of the faith. When she understands that it is superstitious, she will put the stones away on her own.|||OMG, are you serious?? Dude, this is 2008. Stones date back to ancient civilization. No it is not Witchcraft. and i gotta tell ya too many folks are ignorant to the word "Witchcraft" they only do according to nature, i know many of them. Don't worry about your girlfriend, stones have many healing properites, not to mention they are pretty. The stones do carry luck when properly energized, but chances are your girlfriend just wanted them for looks and the lore behind them.|||The stones themselves are not going to cause her harm. She does not need to be seeking out "good luck" if she is permitting Jesus Christ to be the Lord of her life. Gently explain to her that she has no need of gadgets or gimmicks no matter how pretty they appear. The practise of the magic or occult arts is forbidden by God - His people are not to defile themselves with these things. Only God alone knows the future as He alone has written it.|||First off, you're an idiot. Second, you are an IDIOT. Is it "evil" to carry stones in your pocket for good luck? How old are you? Why is it that you Jesus freaks think everything on earth besides your dumb book is "evil"? What a narrow-*** view on life! It must really suck having to walk through life being so petrified of everything on earth. "Evil" this and "evil" that, it's all in your childish little brain!

If your girlfriend had her wits about her she'd dump your sorry behind and go out with a REAL MAN who doesn't sit around on the internet asking questions like "Are stones evil!?". What a joke. The only thing "evil" here is the fact that people like you aren't somehow banned from procreating.|||What do Christian's know about witchcraft?

And yes, they are magic. ^^ I'm sure she'll make a very sweet Christian witch.

You know your commandments, right? Number One being "No other gods before me?". This does not mean one can not have more gods in addition. Number Two says no praying to graven images. Luckly she's not praying to them, just focusing on them.

And she's not poisoning any wells, or trying to see the future, so she's not even all that witchy yet.|||These stones will definitely not help her in any way. They will also be a stepping off point for satan to weasel his way into her thoughts. They are trinkets, and will likely only serve as a nuisance when she forgets they're in her pocket and they ruin her washing machine! Just pray for your friend and be a loving example to her.|||Are you so brainwashed by your own religion that you judge others actions so what if it is witchcraft big hairy deal. The point is this country has a thing call freedom of religion so don't worry about her and worry about you fascist intolerance.

witchcraft is one word not two by the way snookums.|||Technically, carrying things for good luck is already witchcraft. I got Wiccan friends who told me that. But if you just buy things from them, all you're doing is supporting them in their business. If you want approval for this, Christians are the wrong people to ask.|||hmm...sounds like an adventurine (prosperity), blue could be a couple of things...lapis or maybe sodalite...lapis is energy...sodalite is for concentration, purple is probably amethyst...that's a good all purpose stone. it's used for healing and protection.

nothing evil or even witchy, about them. the store isn't a witchcraft place.

bb|||NO its not. People get stoned in Bookstores all the time.

Potheads DO read, you know

And at the counter, they also buy candy. Sweet sweet candy!

Candy on the Beach theres nothing better

But I like mine in a cashmere sweater

Someday soon I''ll make you mine

And I'll have candy ALL the time


I WANT CANDY|||technicaly...yes. or at least im about 90% sure its a sin. its up to god to decide what evil is. but...if it is or if it isnt. always pray. at the very least you talked to god. at the most you were forgiven for a sin. win win :). it can never (o at least i cant imagine it) be a bad thing to pray.|||From an occult book store, yes they probably prayed over them, evil thing's, not to mention what evil spirit's you left with. you need to rebuke the evil spirits, the devil's.

It's ok if you just found them on a road, or in a "art and craft" shop.|||yup im an athiest here! you know by saying 'no athiests', every freakin athiest up right now is gonna leave u a comment rihgt? oh and they are rocks.... come on man.... you think rocks are stronger than your god? oh and you are kinda being ignorant. im going to try and be polite and rational about this. your girl friend has a right to believe and buy what ever she wants. you need to calm down and stop pushing your beliefs on everyone else. (note: that was not ranting or in anger. im just saying.)|||If god judges you based on three stones you carry around in your pocket instead of your actions and intents over the whole of your life, then why try please him?

be who you are, believe what you believe, don't be what you believe.|||Yes it is practising magic and believing in the occult.

The Bible says "Thou shalt have no other gods before ME", that is exactly what this is. No matter how innocent it may appear it is wrong.|||This atheist loves reverse physiology :)

Witch craft huh....*Insert dumb blond joke here*|||Oh no!

In three days, your hair will start to fall out and you'll develop boils.

If she's your "friend", allow her to be who she is instead of who / what you want / expect her to be.|||No it's not evil. I'm sure God wouldn't mind a couple of pretty coloured rocks. Hey you belive in God she belives the rocks will help. Same level really.|||i dont think that stuff works

did you know they just take rocks and sell them at stores saying they are magic when they arent trust me your friend is going to be ok|||shes not wishing ill amongst others or praising another god so how would it be?

where in the bible does it say you can't carry rocks in your purse?|||It's just like praying dear. Delusional and useless but if people enjoy it, why not ?|||No not at all.|||No atheists? Yeah, that's gonna work.|||It's carrying stones in your pocket out of superstition. By the way, I'm an atheist. Where's your god now?|||You are worried about her...and you talk to fictional characters?

ATHEIST.|||Good question - recently had this occur with a friend of mine too.

I don't think it is 'evil' but it is certainly not wise. We are told to have nothing to do with these things and to not even have the appearance of evil “Abstain from all appearance of Evil”? (1 Thess 5:22)

You could innocently be carrying about these stones and someone else could get really interested. Even just seeing you in the store might make them think it was okay for them to go and browse themselves...

Your friend clearly isn't practicing magic, but by carrying the stones she is opening herself up to other influences. Just pray for her, she may decide to get rid of them.

Take care|||yeah, it's witchcraft.. those stones were consecrated to that kind of use so it's not a great idea for your gf to carry them in her pocket..

keep praying for her.. that's the best thing you could do now. then ask God for wisdom and have her understand that the objects that have been created for demonic uses can like bind the people who possess those objects. but be nice, i already had the opporunity to talk to a witch (i'm not saying your gf is) but those who are more or less into this stuff may get easily offended

God bless you!|||It's witchcraft. These have nothing to do with the Urim and the Thummin; plus there is no such thing as luck - the concept of luck is pagan in origin. For example, Loki was a Norse god of mischief symbolizing destruction , from which the word luck is said to have originated.|||It is not only evil but it is extremely dangerous to do it.

Tell her to toss those stones in the sewer where they came from.

If she don't listen.You may want to distance yourself from her.

But continue to pray that God keeps her safe because she does not have any idea what she is doing.|||that's obviously bad. it's putting your faith on those stones and not on God. Commandment # 2. it's called paganism. if you ask me? get rid of it. have more faith in God.

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