Thursday, February 2, 2012

Which study Bible should I get?

Okay...Tommorow I am going to the Family Christian Bookstore to purchase a new Bible. I am currently using the "Quest Study Bible" Hardcover, however, my first intentions of getting a new Bible was sticking with Quest Study Bible, just getting a navy leather cover. However, im kind of stuck between getting a new Bible, The Life Application Study Bible" Ive been using the same Quest Study Bible for 2 years now, ever since I rededicated my life to God...and I wanted to stick with it because Its hard to change Bibles, Im not sure if any of you out there feel the same way, but changing to a new Bible is hard. Im so familiar with my Quest Bible, and I have all my underlines and notes in it, but the LA Bible would be so helpful when I study in dept sometimes What would be someones advice of my problem? Should I go ahead and get the Quest Study Bible agan(leather cover) or move on to the Life Application Bible?Which study Bible should I get?
Before I answer, I have to preface it with a question. Do you want to study the man-made Bible or would you rather learn the truth contained in the original Holy Scriptures?

I'm a Bible researcher and I primarily use only two tools, the King James Bible and Strong's Exhaustive Concordance.

The Bible we use today has been so badly mistranslated, mismanaged and manipulated that it's impossible to get the true Word of God from it. Instead of going into detail about it here, I'd rather refer you to another answer I posted that actually dealt with the history of the Bible and Christianity. You can find it here:;鈥?/a>

Please click on the link and read about the history before making any decision. I do not say this lightly. If you really want to know the truth of God's Word, there's only one way to do so. You have to study the original Hebrew and Greek scriptures.

The information contained in the answer I refered you to is verifiable, historical, fact. If, after reading it, you would still prefer to get a study Bible that is a man-made reference tool for a man-made Bible, then I have no other answer to give you.

If, on the other hand, you decide that you want to learn the truth, then I recommend either buying a copy of Strong's Exhaustive Concordance with Greek and Hebrew Lexicon or you can do your studies on your computer by downloading a free copy of e-Sword. This comprehensive study tool comes with Strong's already built in and you can download additional tools such as Easton's, Nave's and Thayer's Bible dictionaries as well as different versions of the Bible including the Geneva Bible, the Latin Vulgate, the Literal Translation Bible and even the Old Testament written in Hebrew (all free). It's available here:

Please give this considerable thought before making your decision.

May God bless you and your endeavors.
A healthy alternative to this/these goofed up answers: Life Application NASB and the Ryrie NIV- and lots of study and prayer. Those together are nothing short of stellar.

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Which study Bible should I get?
After that I'd suggest adding Spirit Filled Life NKJV, Old Scofield KJV, Living Faith NLT (or the Discover God NLT for more study 'meat' albeit more toward milk and toast), the Reformation Study ESV, and lots of study and prayer.

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Finally expand out to Strong's (eSword version is fine), MacArthur (one-volume ed. out of print but good), Matthew Henry (avoid single-volume ed.), and a lot of study and prayer! =)

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Which study Bible should I get?
Dear cje,

Always use the King James Version. But check my souces for a reference that I know will be a blessing to you. You can Google it.
I would say as long as the Bible translation is the one you are comfortable with then you will enjoy a new theologians take on it.

I like to do my scripture memorization from the same Bible so that it is familiar.
Try the Thompson Chain Reference bible. We love it!
The NIV study's what I use

Lamens terms....and it pulls from all translations (except the NWT...which we all know is a heretical version perverted by man)
That was the bible I was going to suggest, The Quest Study bible in NIV. I have used it for years and I just love it. As you are reading, they have questions and answers about the section you are on in the margins of the book. It's like the translators knew exactly what you were going to be wondering about, and they answer your questions for you.

I've been using it for ten years for my bible studies, and I really like it. It is much, much easier to read and use for studying than the King James, in my opinion anyway!
I have the Life Application Study Bible and enjoy using it. If your other Bible is holding together well enough to still use for study, I would keep it and add the Life Application as an additional resource. I have also found other good study Bibles to be the Archeaological Study Bible, which provides background concerning the situation at the times various books were being written. Or the NET Study Bible (can be purchased online at, at many book stores, or even downloaded for free), which provided nice detailed notes about the reasons for a particular interpretation of a passage.

I would recommend getting something different just to provide additional insight to what you already have.
I recommend changing to the Life Application. The only reason I recommend the change, is because of your familiarity with the other.

A new, fresh perspective may be gained by using a different study Bible.

The most important thing to remember, however, is that you study the Bible regardless of the version you use.
I use the Nelson Study Bible, it is the NKJV with really good footnotes. I know what you mean about getting use to a Bible. I have so many notes and highlights. . .but I love it.
I have the NIV life application study bible. I love it. Don't worry too much about changing bibles. You can also get some of those little tabs to mark the first page of each book.
Get a good lexicon and a interlinear bible. Pick up some books on the Hebraic roots of the scriptures and of the christian faith. Get a book on the idioms used by the first century Jew. Study the bible not what some man says about the bible. I've yet to find a published bible study that doesn't teach a false doctrine.
I personally prefer the King James Version, but you might want to get a parallel Bible with several different versions, its a great study tool.
I have the Wesley Bible but I doubt you will find it anywhere. Last time I saw it was on eBay and it was going for $250.00. It is the NKJ Version and the footnotes will answer any question you might have.
None of them. Get a Bible with a good concordance, maps, character studies, topical study references and archeological notes. Forget the Study Bibles with the fancy commentary at the Bible. You can't trust the majority of the commentaries.
The top selling study Bibles are:

1 The NIV Study Bible (NIV) Zondervan

2 Life Application Study Bible (NIV) Tyndale/Zondervan

3 The Quest Study Bible (NIV) Zondervan

4 Archaeological Study Bible (NIV) Zondervan

5 KJV Study Bible (supersaver ed.) (KJV) Thomas Nelson

Both your choices are popular.

I'd get the Life Application - that way you'll have both sets of study notes for reference

Use the coupon for 25% off.鈥?/a>
i for one would use both study bibles. it's like having two perspectives on the same thing. it doesn't hurt your bible study to use both.if someone says you can't ,only restricts your bible knowledge ,i for one have more than two versions of the holy scriptures, it can only enhance your bible knowledge rather than hinder. it's like looking at different pespectives of a car ,you can see all the shapes and angles.
Honestly you shouldn't get any bible. There is too much lies and negativity spread by man in the bible. Think about christianity for a minute. It means followers of Christ, right? But Christ was a Jew who observed holidays like Passover and Rosh hasshanah, if we were truly following christ, we would follow jewish tradtition, instead we observe bastardized pagan rituals like X-mas and easter, its idolotry, and so is worshipping Jesus, it's no different than the golden cow.
please do study it.

i did for 4 years in college, among many other aspects of religious history.

it's why i know for a fact that the bible is bunk.

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