Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Why won't God heal amputees?

"Does God answer prayers? According to believers, the answer is certainly yes.

For example, at any Christian bookstore you can find hundreds of books about the power of prayer. On the Internet you can find thousands of testimonials to the many ways that God works in our lives today. Even large city newspapers and national magazines run stories about answered prayers. God seems to be interacting with our world and answering millions of prayers on planet Earth every day. "鈥?/a>

So then... why won't God heal amputees or people with other physical disabilities?Why won't God heal amputees?
some just don't have a leg to stand
I'm not one for religion but some of them (not all just some) like being different. My husband has spina bifida and is paralyzed from the waist down, of course he has hard days but he doesn't mind being in a wheelchair it gives him an opportunity to see life from another view, to experience things that the general population doesn't get to experience. Plus everyday modern medicine comes out with new treatment who knows where we will be in 20 years.Why won't God heal amputees?
sometimes God wants to see how long you will believe in him. Be honest if God was to heal you than you wouldn't have anything to pray about. The last thing I would do is stop believing in him because none of the people saying that he don't exist can heal you. I would say keep the faith and keep believing and if its his WILL not yours he will heal you sooner than you think. i will keep you in my prayers! My co worker was just healed from cancer so I know he can! I believe!
How do you know? Do you have verified records from every single amputee who has ever lived on this planet? Going back to the beginning of the human race? If not, then you really have no evidence backing up the assumption that underpins your question, do you?Why won't God heal amputees?
well God always answers prayers and we get mad sometimes when he doesn't answer them according to what we want him to do.. but there is sin in the world and that's y there are people with physical disabilities and God grieves for those people .. that's y Jesus is coming soon to take us to heaven and then after 1,000 years in heaven God will take us back to earth and destroy sin forever and make the earth new! it will b awesome and there won't b disabilities anymore!
Because we live in the age of faith, and we are to believe in God without seeing. Ask any of these people who believe in healing to heal someone such as an amputee and I guarantee it will not work.
He doesn't just stop at amputees. There are also those with genetic defects - there must be thousands of syndromes caused by genetic defects and I haven't seen any of those cured. Or something like cerebral palsy for instance - no cure there either.
Simple: god is fiction. But scientists are coming up with a solution to the problem, in one case, a finger was regrown from stem cells.
God never said He'd heal amputees. We're all drowning in sin. How many amputees pray to grow a limb back, believing they will receive it? I doubt many amputees would have that cross their mind. It's God's will that is to be done, not ours.
he does ,but it requires faith ,

my niece was born with a what i would describe as a "deformed ear" on her right side , after pray it physically changed shape exactly perfect like her other ear .

explain that one if god does not answer pray !

thank you jesus .
He deffinitely does if you pray with faith. the bible says ask and you will receive.

ive seen people like that healed by having faith in God. just because you dont know any doesnt mean that you should assume it doesnt happen
He does heal them. He heals them emotionally and spiritually.
Doesn't exist, obviously.

Waiting for the responses of believers. This should be fun.
Because he doesn't exist. This is the only logical explanation as to why he 'heals' others of illnesses that could have been cured naturally, yet can't heal anything that can't be healed unnaturally.
Hello : )


He is busy not existing : )


Peace : )
because god works in "mysterious ways" apparently.
He likes lizards better than humans.
Because he doesn't exist
Only the starfish has enough faith.
He hates them.He doesn't cure my baldness either.
because the look funny
I believe there is a reason why people are either born without limbs etc. or they have them cut off because of an accident. Either way, God has a purpose for us being like we are. We need to use our abilities that God gives us and not dwell on what we don't have. In this life, it is better to not have something like this, and make it to Heaven because our attitudes are more humbled and no pride can come in, than having the most beautiful body and be arrogant and prideful and heading straight to Hell. To me something like the later person has more of a handicap than those of us that are missing parts of us.

Some people on here have the wrong answer to blame sin as the culprit of missing limbs etc. In the Bible, the blind man that was healed by Jesus hadn't sinned. Jesus was asked by His disciples if it was because of the blind man's sin or his parent's sin. Jesus told them it was neither, but for the glory of God.

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