Sunday, February 12, 2012

Would you go to a bookstore's Harry Potter party if there was a palm reader practicing there?

My religious and personal experience tell me medling in something like palm reading/occult can be dangerous, and that it would be best if the store didn't advocate certain religous or spiritual practices.

What do you think - Christians, Jews, etc.Would you go to a bookstore's Harry Potter party if there was a palm reader practicing there?
Well, bookstores have a choice to make. If they advocate the occult..they must also advocate (or give equal time) to every other belief system.

I would not support any business that puts occult on a pedestal.

5Then I will draw near to you for judgment; I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers, against the adulterers, against the false swearers, and against those who oppress the hireling in his wages, the widow and the fatherless, and who turn aside the temporary resident from his right and fear not Me, says the Lord of hosts
Of course. Its all cool. Palm reading is NOT dangerous. I'm a witch and I'll tell you right now that it means absolutely nothing. Just like tarot reading and astrology. They don't work and its just entertainment.

Honestly, why do you religious take things to such massive extremes? Its obvious you know nothing about them so why not at least get yourself educated before you go and embarass yourself with your lack of knowledge?Would you go to a bookstore's Harry Potter party if there was a palm reader practicing there?
Just don't pay attention to the palm reader if you don't like it.
I go to the Harry Potter parties and I don't care who is there. Death Eaters can come, I don't care. And I have been to many Harry Potter book parties and movie line parties and have never seen a REAL palm reader at any of them. Prof. Trelawney doesn't count.

I am a Christian.Would you go to a bookstore's Harry Potter party if there was a palm reader practicing there?
I would have one of two choices.

1. Stay home because of my principles of knowing that palm reading is of the devil or

2. Go and stay away from the palm reader.

My personal choice is that I would not go.
no to both

Plenty of scripture
No I would not go there cause this is not a nice place for christians to go.
No i would not.
I do not participate in occult practices (because of the dangers associated with such practices).

I am a Christian.


I personally wouldn't go to a Harry Potter party if Harry himself were there. I just don't really care about it.

As for the palm reader stuff. I was taught it was bogus and not to participate in that type of thing. So, for me, I wouldn't go to anything like that either. It's a scam to suck your money out of your pockets. As a Christian, I do not think God condones it either. Better to stay away from those who practice it.

if you really do not like it, then dont participate in the palm reading
Yes. I would go. Just don't have your palm read if you're uncomfortable with it.
no it is all bs anyway
i believe as a Christian God gave everyone a free will but i am against all this wicca/satanist worship reminds me of Sodom and Gomor i dont know but it needs to stop
I think its uncivilized not to go. Let other people do as they wish, they offend you no more than you offend them.

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