Thursday, February 2, 2012

Christians!!! Are all those Near Death Experiences FAKE!? S.O.S?

Sid Roth,

23 Minutes in Hell (heard of that book?)

People who have Testimonies (all over the world) that God took them to Heaven and Hell, then back!?

Is Paul Washer a false teacher? So, is he going to Hell?

Does he himself knows he's a false teacher??

John Piper? Is HE a false teacher?

Zac Poonen from India???

Please help me clarify some things!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Is Charles Stanley the only one we can trust?

Why so many denominations?

Have you heard of and the Testimonies there? (Tim Conway, Paul Washer, etc.)

And Christians from the "incorrect" denominations going to Hell?!!? (believe in wrong teachings...)

Also, I now believe that Joyce Meyer truly is a false teacher...... but I find some of her books helpful to overcome some emotional issues, SO, the qs is, should I be reading her books?!?! There's lie in them?!

Also, we all know that Joel Osteen is such a wolf desguised as sheep!

What amazes me is...... almost every Christian bookstore I've went into sell his books!

Don't the bookstores know he's fake!?Christians!!! Are all those Near Death Experiences FAKE!? S.O.S?
They're hallucinations (and can be reproduced in a controlled environment when there's no chance of a person dying). Some people sincerely believe them to be magical journeys to heaven, hell, or some other fantasy lands. And some people are just con artists out to make a buck. If they wrote a book, they're in it for the money.

You're using a double standard if you think your denomination is magically more accurate than the others, and your favorite megachurch pastor isn't a conman but all the others are.
I don't know. What I do know is that people have the capacity to be unwittingly deceived and also to willfully deceive others. As I don't have the ability to know who is lying, who is telling the truth, and who is telling the truth but has been lied to themselves, I take all of these type of experiences with a (very, very large) grain of salt. In other words, I don't necessarily disbelieve them, but I don't necessarily believe them either.Christians!!! Are all those Near Death Experiences FAKE!? S.O.S?
No, the conclusions are probably fake, but the near-death events are real.

Have you ever listened to George Noory at night? You'd be surprised how many hundreds (thousands?) of people are willing to make up UFO sightings just to get on the radio.

Until we have a means of objectively measuring and reproducing near-death experiences, I'm going to be skeptical.
Some brain surgeries, most notably those for epilepsy, produce very high rates of NDE reports from patients whose lives were not in danger. And those healthy young fighter pilots into centrifuges to understand what a pilot might experience under extreme gravitational loads..get a similar recollections.. they don't care...
So the easiest people to con will be more easy to get....con againChristians!!! Are all those Near Death Experiences FAKE!? S.O.S?
The perceptions are fake because NDOs require the brain to fail in order to come close to "perceiving" them.

It's the same thing as optical illusions. They aren't real, they're brain failures from the information from the eyes to the brain.

So guess what happens when the brain is starved from oxygen? IT GOES F**KING CRAZY.
no their not faked

people actually experienced something

there are many false prophets today

book stores will sell what people buy

even if its not considered by some as not christian
Becareful of those people.. they are just there for the mighty $$

Consult a catholic, anglican or lutheran priest.
A person perception isn't fake if they see what they really see.
They say weird stories like: I once got shot and saw the light but jesus put me in his arms and said it's too early .

it's non snese
i couldnt say .. what i do know is that people that preach 'signs' to wow people usually sets off a red flag for me ..
probably not....the spiritual part (soul some say) goes back to God at death while the body sleeps.
What part of NEAR death experience do you not understand? 'Near' isn't 'dead' is it?
I don't believe they were fake but those people who had the near death experiences were not actually dead. Their brains were still alive. I have had times when I was supposedly under anesthesia and I knew everything going on around me. The fact that the persons body has been traumatized and they are under a lot of medication makes for the perfect opportunity to hallucinate. The Bible says when you die you know nothing, can do nothing and have no memory. When Lazarus was resurrected he mentioned nothing about going anywhere while he was dead. Surely he would have said something if he had gone to heaven. He would have not been happy being brought back to die a second time if he were in heaven.

Only a select few will go to heaven. God created mankind to live on earth. Not in heaven. His plan was for mankind to live on earth forever in paradise and he did not give up on that plan. Religions teach false doctrines about the Bible and they are guilty of leading many astray from the truth of what the Bible really teaches. But does it make sense that God put man on earth and when he dies he goes to heaven? Why bother with earth? The ancient Jews had no idea of going to heaven when they died. The OT talks about living forever on the restored earth. Ps. 37:29. The meek shall inherit the earth. And Lazarus sister made the statement to Jesus that she knew her brother would be resurrected on the last day. When Jesus actually brought Lazarus back to life, Lazarus never mentioned going to heaven or anywhere else. He was just asleep. God knows that people have been influenced by their religions to go against the Bible. The Bible says that the wages of sin is death. Not torture. After Armageddon rids the earth of the wicked God plans on restoring the earth to the paradise he intended. All those who survive Armageddon and those who have died and remain in God's memory will be brought into the paradise. God knows what is in the heart of people. He decides who will live forever on the restored earth and who does not. For more info to to

Hell is just the grave. Man has corrupted the biblical meaning of that word to mean a place of fiery torment. This is a pagan teaching from ancient Babylon. If God had created a place of torment for sinners he would have told Adam and Eve. All he told Adam was that if he ate of the fruit he would die. What is death? The Bible explains. (Ecclesiastes 9:5-6) 5 For the living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all, neither do they anymore have wages, because the remembrance of them has been forgotten. 6 Also, their love and their hate and their jealousy have already perished, and they have no portion anymore to time indefinite in anything that has to be done under the sun.

So how would you know if you were burning or not? God says the wages for our sins is death. (Romans 6:23) 23 For the wages sin pays is death,. . .

So again we see that word death. Not eternal torment. Mankind has taken symbolic scriptures and made them literal. Such as (Revelation 20:14-15) 14 And death and Ha'des were hurled into the lake of fire. This means the second death, the lake of fire. 15 Furthermore, whoever was not found written in the book of life was hurled into the lake of fire.

Now how can death and hades be thrown into anything? If Hades is hell, why would God throw it into itself? Hell and hades are just the grave. So this verse has more meaning if you understand that death and the grave are destroyed forever. That is what the lake of fire represents. Total destruction. Then Rev 21:4 makes more sense also because it says that death will be no more. No death, no graves. For more info go to

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