Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Christians... why the fascination with cults?

OK, first of all, I understand the term "cult" to refer to any religious group. But there seem to be lots of people on this site, particularly Christians, who label some groups as cults in a negative sense, and imply that members of such cults are going to hell.

There are many Christian websites with several pages devoted to cults. There are many books sold in Christian bookstores about cults. There is even a Christian radio program in my area that talks about cults every Thursday night.

It's like they're trying to incite hatred toward people who actually make society better. Often they say things about these cults that aren't even true. Why do they do this?Christians... why the fascination with cults?
My answer:

Honestly, I think that the fascination with cults is a tool that satan uses to distract people from things that are truly important.

My reasoning:

You point out that it incites hatred. I think that it does much more than that. Each person who wastes their time reading such "anti" cult material, takes precious time away from reading God's word, from living a Christ-like life, and from truly spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

In fact, I think that it is spiritually, very dangerous to get involved in the cult-bashing. First, it is only the opinion of some that certain groups are "cults". Many of the materials that they share are often inaccurate and amount to bearing false witness and lying. Also, spreading "anti" literature may actually keep some people from finding Christ. Finally, many of the people who spread such materials do so in a hateful way, giving a bad example of christian behavior and thus, they turn off people who may actually be interested in religion.

So, in my humble opinion, the fascination with and subsequent bashing of cults is not good for the believer, the so called "cult-member," or any other innocent by-stander exposed to such behaviors. The only one who benefits is Satan who joys in seeing people lose faith or get angry and who loves to cause divisions amongst supposed christians.
I'm going to hell?Christians... why the fascination with cults?
Dont waste your time or sanity trying to understand why they do anything.
Christianity is essentially a criminal business enterprise... in fact, it is the world's longest running and most successful Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) scam. The product they are selling is the illusion of 'salvation'... and the 'pay plan' doesn't kick in until after you're dead. Meanwhile the VICTIMS (having been deceived into believing that it is their God-given duty) are out there busily recruiting MORE victims. What a racket! FORTUNATELY, it only works on those who are gullible enough, and sufficiently lacking in critical thinking skills, to fall for it, and buy in to the prepackaged delusion. UNfortunately, THAT accounts for about 75% of the population of the USA. (There are a lot more people who DON'T know how to think properly than there are people who DO know how to think properly.) That is why there are a lot more religious people in the USA than there are 'Free-thinkers'... including Atheists. Also, Christians are generally too dense to realize that proselytizing (spreading the 'good news') is a key element of the Christian MLM MARKETING PLAN, which was instituted after Christianity lost the political power that had previously allowed them to simply torture and kill anybody who did not comply. Now, they obliviously try to just pester and annoy people to death, through persistent obnoxiousness. If you stop to think about it, you will realize that Christians are very much like the Borg, on Star Trek Next Generation: "You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile." I would not be surprised to learn that thoughts of Christianity provided the 'creative spark' for the Borg concept.

Interestingly, statistics on supernatural beliefs count the USA on a par with backward, developing Third World nations, rather than among modern, advanced industrial powers.Christians... why the fascination with cults?
The definition of a cult is worship of a personality.

an instance of great veneration of a person, esp. as manifested by a body of admirers:

Which religions worship personalities versus God?
I can't speak for everyone here and sorry to say you can not either (please stop stereotyping people) but I have one fascination and it is Jesus Christ... God Bless you
I cannot speak for their motives I can only say the word cult defines a group such as Jim Jones. For me cults are deadly and against all mainstream anything. Waco and others define the word for me.
A cult is not "any religious group". A cult is any group that teaches that Christ is not divine.

According to my webster's it is not conforming to established doctrine, especially in religion, and a second definition, outwardly similar or corresponding to something without having its genuine qualities. I don't know why people have to say things about cults that aren't true. They can tell the truth and still prove cults to be unorthodox or spurious.
its just sad.

Some people just cannot take competition. ;)
My church has often been called a cult I am LDS I feel its just because they really don't understand my doctrines.Yes Jesus wants us to love one anther not incite hatred towards each other.

If churches would truly work on being loving and caring in there own churches they would not have to hate and cause distention to other churches .

I actually love it when they call my church a cult because it causes people to ask questions about our church and causes people to become more interested in my faith.
Occult; when people of like mindedness gather together to share in their belief.Sounds like oxford classifies religions as a cult. I once read some place " judge not for ye shall be judged..."

Another little jewel... John13-34 I give to another commandment (that makes 11) to love one another as I love you.... That means that no is unloved no matter what their beliefs ie:same sex,non christians, ... We are all one. Self righteousness is the Nemesis of human KIND. People fear that which they do not understand. Ignorance ( Ignore the essence ) is a sin if ya really wanna git down ta da nittygritty dar boya.
A cult is not any religious group... for starters.

A cult implies danger or spiritual harm, or misdirected faith or belief - i.e. Mormons claim to be Christians but have essential beliefs that are not in line with Christianity - a cult, and to be wary of.
I agree with you 100% !!! I have found that most Christians I have met or spoke with (not all because I have not met all) basically say any religion (where the members accept Christ) in the world is correct other than can that be?? Oh yeah, it is because Satan has so very cleverly blinded them into believing what they do, some of it is good, but they have stopped short of the complete gospel. Yes, accepting Christ is HUGE step towards eternal salvation BUT NOT the only step!

We could question all day long why why why do they do this and fight against us - but the answer it all stems from is: Satan. He knows the LDS church is true and is doing everything he can to prevent others from knowing it.
Well, cults are about deception and Chrisitians are about the truth...God's revealed truth.

Cults conflict with Christianity when they claim to be Christian but deny the deity of Jesus Christ, institute false doctrines, and follow false prophets. Cults are dangerous to the spirit and soul of mankind; the deception keeps people in hell and separated from God and His love.

The people who are in these cults can tell you for themselves that they have no connection to God and no assurance of their salvation; they have no idea what the grace, mercy, and forgiveness of God is about. If they don't worship Jesus Christ as God, pray to Him, and have a personal relationship with Him, they are not Christians; they are a cult.
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