Sunday, February 5, 2012

Did I do too much or overstep any boundaries?

I have an email friend that I have been writing to off and on for about two years. We are both married and Christians. He has been very kind to me, and has been very supportive of some issues I've been having...I have taken up a lot of his time over the past month (more than usual) and so today I sent him a gift card via email to a Christian bookstore for $50. I added a note that let him know that I was thankful for his friendship and for him being so nice to me, that I thought that the gift card would be a good way to let him know I was thankful, that I did not expect anything back, and that I hoped he would find something that he liked. I also added that it was fine if he preferred to spend it on his church or to share with his family.

Do you think that was okay? I hope I didn't overstep any boundaries. I probably should have asked this before I sent it.

Thanks for your advice.Did I do too much or overstep any boundaries?
I think it was very nice and considerate of you and I think you explained the purpose of the gift very well. I do not feel you overstepped any boundaries at all. The gifts I've always enjoyed both giving and getting the most were the ones that seemed to be for no reason at all and were entirely unexpected. I also think the biggest gift was knowing how much he's touched your life and how grateful you are for that. That particular gift is priceless for anyone of any faith (or lack thereof).
I think it was okay. As a female, I sometimes encounter similar situations. Just to be safe, whenever I want to thank a male friend who is married, I address it to him and his wife so she knows I don't have the wrong kind of interest in her husband. Still, I don't think you overstepped any boundaries and she probably won't think anything of it.Did I do too much or overstep any boundaries?
No, I do not see a problem with what you did. If he does not want to use it for himself, as you said, he could use it for his church, or even charity.
I think paying people for being a friend is kind of weird. You sent him a $50 gift card and thanked him for his "service".Did I do too much or overstep any boundaries?
It is fine as long as he knows that there are no strings attached to it.
I think what you did was "risky" at best. A lot depends on whether his wife knows about you, or whether you are a "secret friend". I'm very sorry, but I am a firm believer that seldom is there just friendship involved with BOTH PARTIES when we are talking about males and females; and especially when one or both are married.

Sorry to be so cynical, but I think you can see where this could develop into a problem for one of you. Does YOUR husband know you sent $50 to another man?

I think you are headed for trouble, dear.

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