Sunday, February 5, 2012

Why do people think they can "save me"?

me and some friends were at the mall today and we passed a "christian bookstore" and we were kind of mocking it and some people came up to us like "o dont say such blasphemous things about god, we can save you" for one, we werent making fun of god, just the bookstore...

but this happens quite frquently to us, and yes, we are atheist, were not looking to be "saved"

so whats up?

no answers saying "i can save you" as i dont wanna be "saved".

i just wanna know why people do that even when they can clearly see that were making fun, and therefore do not want to be a part of it?Why do people think they can "save me"?
Because they're overly religious, they want to try to make everybody believe in what they believe.

Think about it, if more people convert to a religion, the more powerful it gets. Same with atheism. If more people become atheists, atheism gets more powerful. Some Christians and some atheists try to convince people that their idea is right.

The majority always rules, and if there are less people of that majority, they majority gets worried.

People shouldn't try to convert others, there's no point.
I never heard Christians say they can save anyone. Christians don't think they can save anyone, they only think that Jesus can save people. I think you heard them wrong or misunderstood them. Actually, you must mistake Christians alot since this "happens to you frequently" as you say.

By the way, if they told you Jesus can save you, even though they 'could clearly see that you were making fun' of them, isn't that nicer than hurting you like a lot of people do when you make fun of them? Just a thought.Why do people think they can "save me"?
Don't pay attention to it. I'm a Christian(Catholic) and some people from other Christian religions want to save me too. It's like anything else, there will always be the extremists. I know a lot of nice atheists through Yahoo! Answers but there are a few who try to convince us that our beliefs are stupid. I take it with a grain of salt. It's not a big deal. Love
To me it seem like some one is trying to send you a message in your life, to help you change your ways .The lord works in ways we least expect it, he love you and cares nothing but the best for you in your life Amen.Why do people think they can "save me"?
You're an idiot. Why would you wanna mock them? There, this is what you get for doing that. So don't come crying to YA saying "oooh, Christians are annoying me".

You started it.
What?!?!?! I want to meet those people. I never had the chance to ever confront people who say that. :(

Confronting one is on my to do list before I die.
Why would sensible people mock a bookstore. How mature is that. No one can save you honey, but God.
It's a moral superiority thing
True fun can never be ruined. Joy is spiritual. You will just have to work through this time.
Because God said it is our jobs as Christians to spread the word
lol. i cannot save you, no christian can. salvation comes through faith in Christ alone
So you were being the typical Atheist looking for trouble. right ?
People can't save you. only Jesus Christ can. Believe and follow. Have a wonderful day
we just dont want you guys to burn. in Eternal damnation.
Okay why exactly were you mocking the store? You can do as you wish,but you always have the choice of just not going in that store. Christian book stores are fairly common and they cater to those of the christian faith. I certainly do not believe that the general book store wants to force christianity on you, rather encourage it. Some of those books can be very calming.

If you are not looking to be saved then, dear, don't shop at the store. Nobody is making you. Also I quite doubt that they said that b/c I have been in many christian bookstores and I don't recall any of them ever saying "we can save you" "come repent of your sins". Atleast not in the ones I've been in. Maybe it's different for you.

Why do they do it? I guess the same reason that Jehovas Witnesses do it, bc they feel as if it's what they are called to do.

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