Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I was just saved as a Christian and after two or three weeks, I started thinking my dreams had a meaning..?

So I told my family and someone bought me a dream dictionary from the bookstore. I used it often and then finally, I decided to ask God through a prayer to reveal messages and show me my future through my dreams while I slept. Then that same night after I tried to sleep, I had my first panic or anxiety attack. It scared me severely and I didnt sleep at all. Instead every time I got close to falling asleep, that panicking hit me again and Ive been this same way since. Do you have any information on how I can get back to my normal me and go to sleep like I once did again? Please I appreciate any help at all.I was just saved as a Christian and after two or three weeks, I started thinking my dreams had a meaning..?
Dream dictionary are another form of new age occults. Rely on God's direction through prayer and meditation on the Word of God. You're experiencing spiritual warfare and satan fully knows your threat to his kingdom of darkness. Understand, satan knows you're receiving and about to receive further knowledge and wisdom from God which makes u a threat and and awesome tool for God's purpose. Satan know this and doesn't want to you believe this, but only wants to put doubt in your faith in God and make you believe His promises are not true. Your authority in Christ will allow u to take back full control of your sleep and any other temptation or doubt the devil's trying to put in your life. Rebuke in Jesus's name everytime and plead the Blood of Jesus for protection and release and deliverance in your household and sleep. You'll get back your normal sleep better equiped and full of confidence knowing your authority in Christ.
toss out the dream dictionary and pray. the dream dictionary is nothing more than a tool of SatanI was just saved as a Christian and after two or three weeks, I started thinking my dreams had a meaning..?
wow sounds like God has a pretty amazing plan for you... if satan is already attacking you. don't give up on God... but do give up on the dream dictionary. i hope you get your sleep back. fully rely on God.
Perhaps you are subconsciously afraid of what you think god will show you.

Maybe if you stop praying to see your future, you'll be able to sleep.

edit to add: what's with the fundies? Since when was dream interpretation 'the work of satan'? It's laughable!I was just saved as a Christian and after two or three weeks, I started thinking my dreams had a meaning..?
Not that I buy into either superstitions, but I'm pretty sure that divination is considered to be a "sin" and an afront to god in the christian religion. Although I highly doubt either are real, and that's probably your mind playing tricks on you, if you take your religion seriously I wouldn't be delving into fortune telling. The christian religion teaches it's flock that it should never do anything to attempt control over their lives or their futures, and that they should simply drone about while god "leads" them. If you are a true christian, you'll stop delving into the occult.... I'm sure if god exists, and he's a truly benevolent and omnipotent being, that he would let you know for sure if he spoke to you in a dream. After all, if he gave you a message in a dream, I'm sure he wouldn't want you becomming confused and misinterpreting it, would he? It could cause you to do the opposite of his will....
The way I see it, dreams are (normally) a wonderful break from reality. There are at least two worlds: the world you live in, and the world your mind goes to when you sleep. In the latter world, imagination becomes the only reality.

There have been many times when I have been able to lucid dream, meaning I am conscious in that inside world, and I can control the outcome of it... until I wake up, of course. It is an extremely enjoyable experience, and I think that's one things dreams do: get you away from reality for the hours while you sleep and experience a world that seems to be out of reality's grasp.

How to get your sleep back... Have you tried certain medications that make you fall asleep before you have the ability to have a panic attack? I think you should just ditch the dream dictionary as well. What good will it do you if you know that, oh I dunno, rice meant marriage, or that a rope means a possible bridge into the next life? If it doesn't do you any good to know about the things in your dreams, pitch it. Besides, in your dreams, I'm sure a boat would have a much different meaning than a boat appearing in my dreams. In other words, don't depend on someone else to tell you what your dreams mean, because only you can.

I'd suggest you go to sleep looking forward to dreaming. If you're able to lucid dream, it actually can be a fun experience!
Read the Bible that is your dream dictionary. Toss the other in the garbage. God be with you
What caused you to buy into the delusion at your age?

I think you need psychological help that you are not going to find online.
Quite possibly this book has gotten you into an emotional funk and some deep seated fear and anxiety is hindering your sleep. Christians are answering your question by saying be afraid of this dream book and that divination is evil. Just remember that the wise men who followed the star and visited Jesus at his birth were astrologers.
i can understand where you're coming from-as a 'new Christian', you have this thirst for God's word, for more and more of HIs presence in your life. that's natural and exciting-but try this: allow yourself the 'recharging' that comes from a good night's sleep-if God has something to say to you in your dreams, He will say it pretty plainly-don't concern yourself with worrying about the future-the day holds enough wonder, enough challenges, triumphs, joys, and sorrows for itself-with Christ, you need not worry about tomorrow, He is able to 'carry you thru'
Throw the book away. These dreams, if they meant anything, would be revealed to you by the Holy Spirit, and not by some author looking to make a buck from selling a book.

Any time you begin to panic, begin to pray and meditate on scripture. When you call on Jesus, He DOES respond. Keep focused on Him.

And, welcome to the Family.
Go back to God. First ask Him to help you discern whether your dreams are from Him or satan. It鈥檚 so easy to be fooled. If it turns out they are from satan then rebuke them in Jesus name. Always stand behind Jesus. Never confront satan alone. Finally, if the dreams are from God, then ask Him to reveal their meaning. And throw that book away.

Oh, one more thing ... read the Book of Daniel. He was one of God鈥檚 great prophets and a real whiz at dream interpretation. Learn from his faith.
I passed by your post an hour ago, but came back to share my wisdom :)

First off, congratulations on your new found faith in Jesus. That is exciting! I have read through all the posts, and though I doubt I can add anything to the better posts, I would like to add my encouragement and advice to you.

Do get rid of the dreams book, as others have said. The rebuking in Jesus' name is important. This is a spiritual warfare you are engaged in and I am sure you sense that. Jesus is with you. Call on Him for protection and deliverance.

I don't know why you thought your dreams had a special significance, but the sooner you get past this phase of your life the better. What you need is not to know the interpretation of dreams, but the Word of God. Put your efforts into studying God's Word. Get to know the mind of Christ. Learn not to be anxious about things. Learn contentment. This is the greatest thing that I have personally learned, to be content in Christ. "Godliness with contentment is great gain." 1 Timothy 6:6 Verses 7+8: "For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.

And having food and raiment (clothing) let us be therewith content." I like my King James version!

I hope my ramblings are somewhat helpful. Mostly I just wanted to encourage you in the Christian faith. The last words go to Jesus!

"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father, who is in heaven." Matthew 5:16

Alicia, That is so awesome that you have allowed Jesus Christ to be the savior of your life!!! There are so many things that we as christians can get distracted by and allow to come into our lives and I believe that this is what the whole dream thing is in your spiritual walk. I would just go directly to the source and just pray and poor your heart out to God about everything. He will give you the desires of your heart and he is the prince of peace. I would forget about the whole dream thing, I feel like it is just a distraction, and dont worry aobut your future. God has you in the palm of His hand.
alica first congratulation and secound you should never be scared of what you asked from god to reveal to you. your future will be what your choice are in life however pray for strengh and wisdom and he will give you that and more. scarecd of what ?
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