You're only partially right in saying that the first Christian churches were Orthodox and Roman Catholic. In fact, the earliest origins of Christianity are what has become known today as Gnosticism. Orthodox churches are, to this day, probably the closest to what we now know as Gnosticism, a much more mystical kind of Christianity. Roman Catholics took as the basis for their church the phrase attributed to Peter "Upon this rock he shall build His Church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it."--In fact, Catholics hold that St. Peter was the first Pope and that all successive ones descended from him in an unbroken line. There have been breakoffs of this, of course (the Pope of the East and the Pope of the West in the Great Schism). But Catholics still hold the Roman Pope to be the direct successor of Peter. Protestantism had its roots, of course in the Reformation, which began in 1517 with Martin Luther. All successive denominations grew from his teachings against Catholicism. Evangelical Christianity is a modern incarnation, used mainly for political purposes. It is a distinctly American denomination, although it has its roots in Victorian England. Most Christian bookstores do cater to the evangelical crowd, but many try to be inclusive of Catholics and other Protestant faiths as well. As far as we can tell, most evangelicals are incorrect in their assessment of other denominations as not Christian. What they are doing is creating a sort of divide; which denomination is "more" Christian, which is where I think the faith has gone astray in recent years. The message of Christ was to bring people together. Unfortunately, what many denominations do is draw them further apart. Hope this helps.
According to my understanding of Scripture,believers were first called Christians at Antioch. It was no doubt meant to be a derogative way of singling out those individuals who professed belief in Yeshua(Jesus)Christ.Prior to then they simple Referred to themselves as members of the way.
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Why do protestants or evangelics label themselves as christians and stole the labelm to catholics and orthodox?There were no Catholics nor Orthodox when the apostles spread the gospel. There were only what outsiders called "Christians". Christianity came before Catholicism.
they say catholics worship statues yet they have nativity scenes, they think they're the true church even though martin luther broke off the sect in 1539... they're delusional and even more brainwashed than scientologists.Why do protestants or evangelics label themselves as christians and stole the labelm to catholics and orthodox?
It would better be phrased are Protestants Christian. Which will lead to some incredibly stupid postings of I鈥檓 not Protestant I鈥檓 a Saved Believer.
For this type person refer to the Dictionary Under Protestant. First off there is Only one type Of Christian and they would be Catholic ..
You see way back in the time of the Apostles their was this Catholic by the Name of Evodius And this Man was the first Bishop of Antioch a Catholic, He was ordained and taught by Peter and the rest of the Apostles and he is credited with being the first person to call the followers of Christ, "Christians", as shown in Acts 11:26. See Eusebius, book 3, chapter 22.
He was then followed thru Aposolic succession by this man Saint Ignatius (35-107), the second Bishop of Antioch wrote a letter to the Smyrneans in 107 A.D..
In this letter is recorded the first known use of the words "Catholic Church"... He also was Taught by The Apostles鈥?br>
Now as you Can see the word itself is a catholic word their were no so called Protestants around at the time鈥?In Fact when the Bible was canonized it was done by the Catholic church鈥?
At the Time the New testimate was written their was only One Church The Catholic Church
I write these things to thee hoping to come to thee shortly, but in order that thou mayest know, if I am delayed, how to conduct thyself in the house of GOD, which is the Church of the Living GOD, the pillar and mainstay of the truth." 1Tim 3:14-15
the Bible came from the Church, and that the Church did not come from the Bible. The Catholic Church is the Mother of the Bible, not the Daughter.
THE BIBLE IS A CATHOLIC BOOK. Compiled by Catholic鈥檚 For Catholics
The Word Bible is also a Catholic Word The Holy Scriptures were first called the Bible by St. Chrysostom, the Catholic Archbishop of Constantinople, in the 4th century.
For those who deny that the Bible is a Catholic Book, the founder of Protestantism,
Martin Luther, concurred that the Bible is indeed a Catholic Book.
He had this to say:
"We are compelled to concede to the Papists that they have the Word of GOD, that we received it from them, and that without them, we should have no knowledge of it at all."
Martin Luther, commentary on St. John.
Christ solemnly pledged that the gates of Hell would never prevail against His Church (Matt. 16:18), and He solemnly promised that after His Ascension into Heaven He would send His Church ``another Paraclete . . . the spirit of truth,'' to dwell with it forever (John 14:16-17), and He inspired the Apostle Paul to describe His Church as ``the pillar and ground of the truth.'' (I Tim. 3:15). If the Catholic Church (which Protestants admit was the true Church of Jesus Christ before Luther's revolt) became doctrinally corrupt as alleged, it would mean that the gates of Hell had prevailed against it--it would mean that Christ had deceived His followers. Believing Christ to be the very essence of truth and integrity, Catholics cannot see how the division of Christianity into hundreds of rival camps and doctrinal variations can be called a ``reformation'' of the Christian Church. In the Catholic mind, hundreds of conflicting interpretations of Christ's teachings do not add up to a true interpretation of Christ's teachings鈥?br>
So that Leads to this these so called Christians aren鈥檛 Christians The Best you could call them are believers..
How could you be a Christian and reject Christian Teaching..
Protestantism, in all essential elements, merely borrows wholesale from Catholic Tradition, or distorts the same. All doctrines upon which Catholics and Protestants agree, are clearly Catholic in origin (Holy Trinity, virgin birth, Jesus' Resurrection, second coming, canon of the Bible, heaven, hell, etc.). Those where Protestantism differs are usually distortions of Catholic forerunners. For example, Quakerism is a variant of Catholic Quietism. Calvinism is an over-obsession with the Catholic idea of the sovereignty of God, but taken to lengths beyond what Catholicism ever taught (denial of free will, total depravity, double predestination, etc.). Protestant dichotomies such as faith vs. works, come from the nominalism of the late Middle Ages, which was itself a corrupt form of Scholasticism, never dogmatically sanctioned by the Catholic Church. Whatever life or truth is present in each Protestant idea, always is derived from Catholicism, which is the fulfillment of the deepest and best aspirations within Protestantism.
One of Protestantism's foundational principles is sola Scriptura, which is neither biblical (see below), historical (nonexistent until the 16th century), nor logical (it's self-defeating) idea鈥?/a>
Protestants are Christian. That's why they use that term.
No one stole anything. The label of Christian was originally a pejorative term for the earliest followers of Christ. It stuck.
"the first christian churches were roman catholic and the orthodox churches..
Actually the "Roman" suffix is a post reformation tag and the Greek Orthodox is a development that came after the first great schism in 1058 ad. For the first millenia of Christianity the Church was considered Catholic (not the small "c" type either)
The Catholic and Orthodox churches were both one at the time of Christ until a couple years later when Rome proclaimed itself superior and the new leaders of Christianity based solely for political reasons seeing the Roman Empire was the major power in Europe. Therefore they split forming the present day Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches. In my opinion seeing that the Eastern Orthodox Chruch is the original and oldest Church to have not changed any teachings since the time of Jesus I would say that it is the true Church of Christ.
The catholics never were called Christians. They were always called catholics. When God led His people out of bondage in the catholic church is when the name Christian started to appear.
Catholics are trying to steal the name Christian from us to make themselves seem more of a true church.
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