Thursday, February 2, 2012

Why won't God heal amputees?

Does God answer prayers? According to believers, the answer is certainly yes.

For example, at any Christian bookstore you can find hundreds of books about the power of prayer. On the Internet you can find thousands of testimonials to the many ways that God works in our lives today. Even large city newspapers and national magazines run stories about answered prayers. God seems to be interacting with our world and answering millions of prayers on planet Earth every day.

If this is indeed the case, then why won't God heal amputees and regenerate lost limbs?Why won't God heal amputees?
1- why people speak in tounges ONLY in church

2- why people only dance ONLY in church

3-why people get healed only in church

4- why there is NO medical proof of the miracle

5- why AIDS patients don't get healed

mmm... you made me think...again, thanks. :-D
I'm an atheist but have thought a lot about how God, if it existed, would influence the world. Clearly the hypothetical God doesn't want to declare its existence so how could it exercise influence without revealing that existence. Restoring an amputated limb would be too clear an act. To keep it's existence hidden it would work through the laws of chance. In other words if 10 out of 10,000 people could be expected to spontaneously recover from lung cancer then God would select the 10 out of the 10,000. Further, it could hide even more thoroughly by helping 1 or none of the 10,000 or helping 9 apparently undeserving people. Bottom line: you can't infer God doesn't exist from the lack of grossly obvious miracles.Why won't God heal amputees?
how many people in war or other circumstances got an injury that was a "if it was a fraction of an inch further... " that came close to losing a limb?

what makes you so sure that those are not in essence, retroactively healed amputations? if instead of the massive dramatic issue of spectacularly regenerating a body part that was lost, wouldn't it be easier, if the "healer" had the power to, to simply go to the moment of the accident, and nudge the limb just far enough to make it so it was never lost to begin with?

now, why does this cover it?

have you considered the possibility that some injurys and effects and things, negative as they may be, serve a purpose and have a benefit in the greater scheme of things?

yes yes, the christian bible or whatever says how ask and you receive and that God answers prayers ect.

1) how many of the "ask"'s are done with perfect faith? absolutely zero doubt that it would not occur? as in, *no* doubt at all that it would happen exactly as asked? not likely very many! and even that, if theres an important reason that thing is in that state, it won't neccesarily be something that God would say yes to!

2) where does it say that "answer" means "grants the wish"? sometimes the answer is no! or other less particular not-yes-'s.

the "god healing amputees" thing is the stupidist atheist argument around. pretty much on par with "if we evolved from monkeys why are there still monkeys".
There are only 3 possible answers:

1. God can't heal them.

2. God won't heal them because, for some bizarre reason, he hates amputees.

3. God doesn't exist.Why won't God heal amputees?
Because either god hates us, or he doesn't exist. Personally I'm leaning more towards he doesn't exist though if he does I think AIDS stands as a powerful testament to his antipathy for the human race.
I guess amputees are less than human. OR, the answering of prayers is just plain silly.
He already has
why can't I get a new laptop if i drop mine i the parking lot as im leaving the store.

limbs are not covered in gods product replacement policy.
Umm, my daughter was 4 years old when her finger tip was slammed off in a door at her day care. The finger tip was cut off down to below where the nail begins right above the top joint of the finger. It was very painful time in our families life, and we prayed and prayed for our little girl. Her finger tip grew back, including the finger nail.

I have seen many miracles in my life, I have seen 24 hot dogs, 2 bags of potato chips, and 4 liters of soda feed 50 people that came back for seconds. I have seen families destroyed from alcoholism restored. It is not that God lacks anything or any power. If it is His will, it will be. That is all.

My daughter is 12 now. Her finger is not perfect, it is crooked, and not quite as long as the other one, but it grew back. hallelujah
God does not defy His own laws of nature, unless it's a miracle.
He's too busy raising the dead

Edit: Pinky, people do speak in tongues and dance outside of church, but if you're not around them you would never know it.
You're assuming that there is something wrong with them. I read a story about a guy born with no arms who is a world class guitar player. Another about a man with no arms and no legs who is a Christian motivational speaker.

It's a little small-minded of you to suggest they need "fixing," isn't it? Why not suggest that God "fix" all the skin colors of the world then too?

Do you realize the vast amount of medical knowledge we have gained from observing people who have lost their limbs or were born without them? The advances in neurophysiology alone are staggering.
cause he no existy.
Because they are humans and not starfish.
he has and still does.

there is a testimony of a little boy that was born with no legs his mother carried him around on her back. She took him up to get prayer and when walking back to her seat she felt something hitting her in the back of her legs. Its was her sons legs God did a miracle.

Also here's another one for ya. There was a man who went to church one night who had no feet he went up for prayer and the minister looked at him and told him to go to the shoe store the next day and buy himself a pair of shoes, so the next day he did just that, he sat in a wheelchair and went into the store asked the clerk to get him a pair of shoes size 9 1/2

the clerk kinda dumbfounded did as he requested and when he came back the man had 2 new feet.

You might not believe these stories but I can tell u they are both very true all it takes is believing that God can and God will.

God Bless :)
JEEZ you expect too much, what do you think god is, a miracle worker???

Because he is not an all loving and perfect, i don't think he exists.
Why doesnt god let everyone win the lottery that prays for it.

Why doesnt God stop people from getting hurt.

Why doesnt God stop people from starving to death

Why doesnt God stop death all together.

All very good questions. We cant blame God for the Curse thats on this earth. I cant tell you how God works, noone can.

If everything was Perfect, and everything was good, and everyone was happy, and noone died or got sick or whatever, and everyone would have money and be happy and healthy, and life was one of those Walgreens, where everything just is awesome, There would be NO NEED FOR GOD.

I may be wrong, and i prolly am, but i dont think God wants life to be perfect, because then we wouldnt need him.
There is a website on that you know.
he does, ive seen these healings before and been a part of praying for them.

interceding is very important.

God can heal anyone and anything,

most times God will heal,

but its all in His timing,

so therefore its not always done right away.

God is a healer,

and He does grow back limbs daily.
he heals ur heart

there ws my neighbor whos leg is shorther than the other about 30cm. His leg grew whn a man prayed for him
Good question. Why does God do the things He does? And why doesn't He do other things?

Who knows?

This question does little more than ask the 'whys' of God's actions, and does nothing to challenge His existence.
Beacuse God almost never answers in the way we'd expect.
He said He would. You just won't believe it until you see it. By then it will be too late.
One could only imagine the difficulty and struggle that someone with this type of handicap must endure. The only instance that I can recall that God grew back someone’s body part was in Matthew 26; 51, when he restored the ear of one of the soldiers that came to arrest him. One must consider that God answers prayer in ways that we cannot foresee and in ways that don't always match up with our personal schedules. And who said that these people who are writing these books proclaiming that God did these miracles are being completely honest? Jesus spoke in figurative language when he talked of having the faith of a mustard seed in Matthew 17; 20 for I have yet to see any one pick up a mountain and throw it into the sea. God indeed is in the business of performing miracles yet sometimes people may have a hard time seeing them. For instance, though we don’t see limbs growing back on people we do have the miracles of medical science which God has given man the mind and understanding to create and perform for the well being of others. Today I heard of a miracle that happens in some way all the time. A window washer survived a fall from a 47 story building. Though the body is an absolutely amazing organic machine, God is more interested in a person’s eternal soul then he is of ones temporal tent. It is truly a tragedy that there is so much pain and suffering in this world, but If one does not become bitter and hardened by mistakenly casting the blame upon God for the ailments of this world, then that person has the opportunity to be encouraged and inspired to seek God and his purpose due to the faith of another whom is dealing with such hardships. Though God works in circumstances and situations that we cannot understand He is nonetheless seeking to fulfill his ultimate purpose which is indeed far more permanent, greater and beautiful then the mending of mankind’s tabernacles which are but dust. Truly my desire to kick up some gold dust on the golden streets of heaven grows everyday because of the terrible things that have been brought upon this Earth due to the affects of sin.
Because god does not have any power outside of the imaginations of those people that call themselves followers of god. Truth is, there is no god and there never was.
God does need to heal amputees to show us his existence or his beauty, we need to heal ourself first and accept him without question. How coud u know that amputees people are anger or sad, god have a lot of ways to make them feel happy and enjoy life other than just heal them. He heal them mentally and sometimes psychically, yes if that what u asking, it just doesn't happen with evey body but it sure happens to some people.
First of all, How do you know He hasn't or won't! Second, I sure wish He would so you guys would stop asking this question!
God does answer prayers just there is no healing needed for people who are amputees.
Because they don't have two hands to put together to pray for limbs with, or legs to knell in prayer with.
because god isn't real.

he is make believe for the naive.

he is just like the tooth fairy or santa clause.

the only difference is children stop believing in those when they are mature and well knowledged.

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