Me and my boyfriend were walking along, hand to hand, looking around the local mall yesterday. We happened to pass a Christian bookstore inside the mall. We didn't go in, or even look at it. However, some guy asked us to stop, so we did and turned around. He gave us the spill about how homosexuality is a sin and if we deny our "sinful lusts" (his words, not mine) and accept Jesus as our personal savior and lord, God will forgive us. So me and my boyfriend, not three from him, kissed each other on the lips (basically making out.) The man's face made a weird, disgusted look and walked away. Later on, we went in front of the bookstore and occasionally kissed each other on the lips as people walked out. They were disgusted as well.
Is this what God would want me to do?Is this what God would want me to do about my homosexuality?
Listen.. God loves you. He wants you to come to know Him. However, Sin separates us from God. And no sin is greater than another. This is what God says in His Word:
1 Corinthians 6:9
" Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be decieved; neither fornicators, nor adulterers, nor idolators, nor effiminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God. (emphasis added)( speaking to Christians) SUCH WERE SOME OF YOU (Christians) BUT YOU WERE WASHED, BUT YOU WERE SANCTIFIED, BUT YOU WERE JUSTIFIED IN THE NAME OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AND IN THE SPIRIT OF OUR GOD."
Just as all of us who are Christians now did before; God wants you to turn from your sin and repent and call upon his name and be saved. He loves you and wants to have a personal relationship with you. John 3:16-17
you did what YOU wanted to do.
did it solve anything?Is this what God would want me to do about my homosexuality?
Does daddy still hit you?
I don't think know....ask HimIs this what God would want me to do about my homosexuality?
Good for you.
I wish chrisitians weren't so damn arrogant and could mind their own business.
God, the FSM (pbuh), is please with you.
I am sure the christain god has a much different opinion than me....but I would say celebrate your love and be happy and those who have nothing better to do than judge and insult, can go fly a kite
If a God were to exist, I'm sure that's exactly what he'd want you to do. I heard a thunder this morning, I'm sure it was God giggling on his sky, and replaying the tape of you kissing your boyfriend in front of the fundie.
God does not view homosexuality as a sin or he would not have created gay people in the first place. Feel free to express your love.
Remember, Christians used to view african-americans as sinners because of their skin color - obviously there are some major flaws in the fundamentalist approach!
Pst...I have a secret for you.
God isn't real!
Besides, you sound like a cute couple, and making fundies angry is always fun!
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This may help you.
No it's not. 2 wrongs don't make a right. Now, if you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, no matter what you do you are saved by his Grace. But doesn't mean you continue in your sin because God will judge you on your actions. It's your choice, YOU know what the Bible declares.
It is certainly one way to call someone on their passive aggressive behavior, and better than allowing the verbal assault to be unchallenged. You didn't hurt anyone. You probably didn't win anyone over.
Really hard to know how God would have handled it though.
Seriously, you did what you wanted. God gave you the freedom to do as you wish but remember this that you shall have to face God eventually. We all sin and we shall be judged by God.
You did as you pleased. It isn't always wise. Both of you seem to be equally at fault. Both of you found what the other was doing offensive and responded by being equally offensive. Sounds more like a cat fight rather than an opinionated, logical discussion which might have solved some things.
I think it depends on the reactions you wanted to get. If you got them, you succeeded. Was it necessary or 'right'? I don't think so, but whatever smokes your shorts...
Doesn't seem like that was a very mature thing to do but I guess everyone deals with things differently. Personally I'm a christian and have always been taught that homosexuality is a sin but I don't go around shouting it out or anything. I have known people who were "gay" and they were and still are very nice people. I don't think God wants us as Christians to degrade someone just because we don't agree with there way of life, I don't think God himself would do that. Honestly were supposed to pray for them and let God take care of everything! God Bless you~
For them it's just a reason to hate
Why don't you ask these people since they seem to specialize in what you are asking?
Looking for help to leave Homosexuality? START HERE
%26gt;%26gt; Find a ministry, counselor, or church in your area
%26gt;%26gt; Read some real-life stories
%26gt;%26gt; Articles on overcoming
%26gt;%26gt; Request info from Exodus
For 30 years, Exodus has served men and women who are affected by homosexuality. Freedom is possible through Jesus Christ!
Yep you did exactly what you needed to do to perpetuate the myth that homosexuals are more concerned about their own pleasure than anything else. You also perpetuated the myth that homosexuals go out of their way to be disrespectful. I am sure that my gay friends would all be quick to thank you for destroying years of their hard work.
Try this:
Mat 5:29 And if thy right eye scandalize thee, pluck it out and cast it from thee. For it is expedient for thee that one of thy members should perish, rather than thy whole body be cast into hell.
Mat 5:30 And if thy right hand scandalize thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is expedient for thee that one of thy members should perish, rather than that thy whole body go into hell.
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